UPS eliminated the CMO position in late 2023, replacing it with a Chief Commercial and Strategy Officer who oversees global revenue, product management, and overall growth strategy. This move reflects a shift in how companies structure marketing roles, emphasizing integration with broader business strategies rather than standalone marketing leadership.
The three common collaboration models are: 1) An independent marketing center, which may include matrix-style innovation; 2) Marketing reporting directly to sales, where there is no separate marketing leadership; and 3) A marketing subsidiary or outsourced model, where marketing functions are handled externally or as a separate entity.
When marketing reports to sales, it often leads to a focus on short-term, sales-driven demands rather than long-term brand strategy. Marketing teams may become reactive, handling ad-hoc requests without a broader vision. This can result in a lack of brand consistency, missed opportunities for strategic growth, and diminished marketing value within the organization.
Marketing departments evolve through several stages: 1) Traditional marketing, focused on spending budgets effectively; 2) Lead generation marketing, where KPIs include the number and cost of leads; 3) Opportunity marketing, which focuses on demand generation and sales alignment; and 4) Revenue marketing, where the marketing leader is directly accountable for revenue outcomes.
Companies may outsource marketing to improve efficiency, reduce costs, or leverage specialized expertise. However, this approach is rare because it requires the outsourced team to deeply understand the company’s business and brand, which can be challenging. Additionally, companies may hesitate to relinquish control over such a critical function.
In mature organizations, having marketing report to sales can lead to inefficiencies, such as duplicated efforts across business units and a lack of strategic oversight. Marketing teams may become overly focused on immediate sales needs, neglecting long-term brand building and strategic investments. This can stifle innovation and limit the marketing team’s ability to contribute to broader business goals.
【主播👨🏻/👩🏻】大海/ 棉花
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销售实践 | 从月入千元到年薪百万:大咖级Sales Jonathan的进阶之路)
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