This Is Why

Comedians and authors Laura Lane and Angela Spera give best friend advice on pop culture, politics,


Total: 315

The Final Episode


After 6 years straight of weekly episodes, this is our final This Is Why podcast (!). We get updates

This week we share our top dating lessons and tips from the past 6 years. We answer your listener qu

It's our 6-Year Anniversary and we drop some BIG NEWS! We look back at our top episodes, the past 6

This week we talk all about CBD and how it can help with sleep, sex and more. We welcome Amanda Goet

This week we talk all about postpartum care, babies and doulas! We welcome Devon Clement, a postpart

Angela Got Married!


It's one of our most anticipated episodes: Angela got married!!! We hear all about it: the rain! the

Baby Baby Baby Stuff


We're reunited and it feels so good! Angela is married, Laura had a baby! Big things have happened!

Laura's back on the show after a 1 month maternity leave! She's joined by baby daddy, producer, tale

This week’s episode is called How to Know You’ve Found “The One.” It's Ian's final week as a guest h

This week's episode is called Making New Friends as an Adult. Ian is back as guest host while Laura

This week's episode is called Keeping Arguments Respectful. Laura is still on maternity leave, so Ia

This week's episode is called Lessons from Pandemic Wedding Planning. Laura is on maternity leave, s

This week we welcome registered dietician and co-author of the new book "The Plant-Based Baby and To

Missing Your Ex


This week we talk about what to do when you miss your ex and how to distinguish between missing your

This week’s episode is called Outgrowing Old Friendships. We talk about switching friendship orbits,

300th Episode Special


This week is our 300th episode!!! We will be taking a nostalgic look back at some of our favorite mo

This week we welcome OB and high-risk specialist Dr. Nathan Fox to answer all of our burning pregnan

This week's episode is called Hitting a Covid Wall with Your Partner. We talk about tips to keep the

This week we welcome Emmy Award-winning journalist and producer Darla Murray to talk about her exper

Fairness In the Household


More people spending time at home means more chores to do! This week we talk about how to keep thing