Trey Gowdy former federal prosecutor and four term United States Congressman from South Carolina bri
Who has the right to speak for the nation? While judges across the United States block several of Pr
"Reform should not be revenge." - Professor Jonathan Turley The Trump administration has made it abu
As a former South Carolina Congressman and Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Trey knows a t
After the tragic loss of life in two major plane crashes in just one week, Americans are experiencin
From birthright citizenship to an analysis of reasonable doubt, Trey answers questions on the latest
While legal questions surrounding the aftermath of the January 6th Capitol riots sit in the headline
President Trump has reclaimed his seat in the Oval Office, so Trey and former Speaker of the House,
It's a new day in America, and President Trump is now the 45th and 47th President of the United Stat
The first few weeks of 2025 have proved to be quite the spectacle on Capitol Hill. From Senate confi
After spending countless hours in a courtroom last year, President-elect Trump was sentenced by New
2025 is going to be action-packed!Trey answers questions on President-elect Trump's plans for his 2n
Senior Pastor at Second Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, Dr. Ben Young discusses theological prophe
As we enter a New Year, Trey analyzes what to expect from President-elect Trump during his first 100
A momentous year calls for a recap. With an eventful election cycle, a wholelot of courtroom drama a
As we say goodbye to 2024, it's time to reflect. From courtrooms to conventions and of course colleg
While the holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, it's also a time for reflection. Minister
With Congress at a standstill ahead of the holiday break and a few weeks left until President-elect
"Murder is NOT taking matters into your own hands." - Trey Gowdy After two weeks in the public eye,
As President-elect Trump continues nominating members to serve in his Cabinet and new Senators and C
With playoffs, evolving NIL deals and the looming transfer portal, a college football coach's job ne