A podcast with episodes loosely tied together by Popper-Deutsch Theory of Knowledge. David Deutsch's
This time we discuss Nassim Nicholas Taleb's article "IQ is Largely a Pseudoscientific Swindle" -- a
Bruce takes a deep dive into Stephen Wolfram’s ideas regarding computational universality, which may
Our Christmas gift to you this year is episode 100: an interview with The Man (TM) himself! Bruce st
AKA "David Deutsch DESTORYS the Simulation Hypothesis" Bruce take a deep dive into solipsism in the
This week we discuss the chapter “Why are Flowers Beautiful?” from the book Beginning of Infinity by
We take a deep dive into Karl Popper’s philosophical ideas about music that he outlines in four chap
Here we interview AI researcher Kenneth Stanley, who makes the case that in complex systems, pursing
This time we invited some of the coolest and smartest people we know to have a freewheeling discussi
This episode we interview Professor of Philosophy Stephen Hicks. In his excellent books Explaining P
Can philosophical theories be refuted? What is a bad explanation? Can all theories be made more empi
Continuing from episode 91, we continue our deep dive into Popper's Conjectures and Refutations
Forgive the clickbait title. The episode should probably actually be called "The (Lack of) Prob
Today our guest Ivan Phillips methodically explains what Bayesianism is and is not. Along the way we
This week we discuss the book Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton (1908), perhaps the most famous defense o
Here Bruce reflects on AI researcher Kenneth Stanley’s assertion that setting specific, measurable g
Is the universal explainer hypothesis falsifiable? How does the concept of universality relate to hu
How do humans form 'fuzzy categories'? How does this all relate to essentialism? Is essentia
This is the first of our two part series (that may or may not be released back-to-back) where Bruce
Here we discuss a 1992 interview with David Deutsch where he makes the case that video games are inh