The Squatters and Unwaged Workers support and promote those resisting social order and trying to cre
Featuring former Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, in the hot seat at the Robodebt Royal Co
De-growth, de-carbonise, well-being, inclusion, a healthy environment. Yes, we can have an economy t
MMT-informed ecological economist Professor Phil Lawn says "Growth is killing the planet". What exac
How about a budget analysis without a 'Spurt in sight?Yes we had a federal budget this week. An
What is an advocate of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) to think when some Marxists accuse MMT of being
Why are interest rates going up? Why is inflation going up? Why is it that every time you ask a ques
Past and present federal treasurers voluntarily shackle themselves in the imaginary debt dungeon. We
We've proven it! Beyond a shadow of a doubt. The current "employment services" system is "mean"
Are we "stumbling zombie-like into a digital dystopia"?From the frontlines of a NON-full employment
Why bother with economics? Why bother with Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)? After-all, the government c
What if disposing of 17 tonnes of dead fish was part of your day job? We speak with Greens party can
What if you wanted to do something, but you didn't ever spell out quite what it is you want to
What keeps someone working ten hours a day, in a field, under the hot sun, for as little as $3 an ho
What's worse than not having a job? Try working in slave-like conditions.Uncovering the lie tha
What kind of politician would want to give everyone a job? A Job Guarantee is an economic game chang
Taking their cue from a blogpost by Professor Bill Mitchell, Anne & Kev dig into the current debate
What kind of politician would want to give every adult $100,000? From employment to housing to banki
Returning to the events of Anti-Poverty Week, Anne & Kev dissect a rare moment of neo-Liberal honest
On this Friday of Anti-Poverty Week, Anne & Kev chat with Daniel Levy from the Australian Unemployed
What could be more empowering than Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)? Try mixing MMT with ecological econ