The Spanish Dude Podcast (Audio)

A podcast of all my videos, but in audio format.


Total: 163

Spanish Immersion


Learn all about Spanish immersion schools: how they work, how to choose a school, how long to stay,

They tell us that “escuchar” means “to listen” and “oír” means “to hear”. But then, in the real wor

I was taught that “ver” means “to see” and “mirar” means “to watch” or “to look”. But, in the real

In this video, I show you a common reason why you might see two conjugated verbs in a row (as oppose

It used to drive me crazy when I’d see the same sentence in the same context–except one used “hubo”

What’s the difference between NORMAL “comer” and REFLEXIVE “comer”? Find out in this video! Show n

In this video, we talk about how to say “I can’t wait” when we’re excited about something. And, wha

In this video, I show you seven uses of the verb “quedar” in less than six minutes. Show notes: Down

In this video, we go over the seven most common ways that “quedar” is used. Ninety-five percent of t

In this video, we compare three verbs that CAN all mean “to try”: “intentar,” “probar” and “tratar”

In this episode of One Line at a Time, we cover the “Preterite Vs. Imperfect” PLUS two topics I’ve n

In this short video, I give you a 3-part rule of thumb for using “tratar” PLUS I reveal the central,

Preguntar Vs. Pedir


This used to really confuse me. I first learned that “preguntar” is how to say “to ask” in Spanish.

One Line at a Time #8


Topics covered in this episode of One Line at a Time: — Reflexive Vs. Non-Reflexive — Preterite Vs.

In this video, we talk about the last main verb tense–the conditional tense. The cool thing about th

The verbs “jugar,” “tocar” and “sonar” can all mean “to play”. In this video, I explain what the hec

In this series, I dissect and analyze ONE LINE from the Netflix series, “The Good Place”. Topics cov

In this video, we compare the verbs “conducir” and “manejar”. These two verbs have different meanin

In this video, I’ll show you how regular future tense conjugation works. The best part about the fut

In Spanish, why do they say “me amo” for “I love” sometimes, but other times, they say “me encanta”