The Singapore Noodles podcast features host Pamelia Chia, founder of Singapore Noodles, engaging in
Over the weekend, a commentary that I wrote on hawker prices was published on CNA and has sparked a
Five to six years ago, when I was working on Wet Market to Table, I came across the menu at Nouri wh
The Singapore Noodles podcast is back... and integrated into the newsletter! In this episode, I chat
Vasunthara Ramasamy: "There are so many styles of chicken curry; there is even a white chicken c
Preston Wong: "The goal should always be to make the message of sustainability and reducing food
Evelyn Yap: “Singapore is not an agricultural country. That limits the kind of produce we get, but a
Edmund Wee: “We don’t get a lot of chances to form relationships with people in our lives – we’re bu
Christopher Ng: “It is heartwrenching every time I go back to Singapore, because I see the differenc
Khir Johari: “When we look at our understanding of Malay food, it is typically based on a narrow win
Christy Chua and Tan Aik: “Through my interviewing experience in school or at The Slow Press, I feel
Christopher Tan: “I think what everyone needs to realise is that we all have a say in how the food c
Desmond Shen: “We basically tried not to throw anything away, and I think one of the steps to do tha
Sheere Ng: “Our understanding of inmates is they are either repentant or incorrigible. It’s black an
Rebecca Koh: “Asian ferments used to be passed down by the word of mouth – from grandma to the mothe
I reflect on 2 years of Singapore Noodles, answer your questions and share about my plans for the pl
Gladys Foo: “When we made love letters pre-pandemic, we all will go over to my mom’s place to help o
Shen Tan: “Passion doesn’t feed people – it doesn’t pay your CPF, it doesn’t pay your mortgage, it d
Marcus Leow: “If there ever is a lao po bing (wife biscuit) in a more modern flavour, I honestly don
Sowmiya Venkatesan: “In chicken rice, chicken is the primary flavour. Your rice has the chicken flav
Sharon Wee: “I always thought my mom deserves a book of her own, and I thought, why not a full-fledg