Have you ever felt overwhelmed or like your job was not a great fit for your personality?Val Nelson is a career and business coach for introverts and highly sensitive people (HSPs) who want meaningful work without the overwhelm. She enjoys helping people clarify their career or self-employment decisions.
As an introvert and HSP herself, she used to think self-employment was not for her. Yet now she enjoys having a thriving business and has learned there are a lot of myths about what is possible or not.
She believes strongly that living your true purpose is a practical possibility. She helps people through individual coaching, her small groups, her online courses, and her blog. Gain clarity on why some careers are a better fit than others, and how you can succeed in your career.Guest: Val NelsonContact Val:
Website:** **ValNelson.com)****Career Clarity Course: https://valnelson.com/steps/)**Coaches Circle: **https://valnelson.com/CoachesCircle/)
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valnelson/)****Article: Best Careers for Introverts, HSPs, and Other Sensitive Souls )
Author, Speaker, Educator, Podcaster
quietandstrong.com)****Gobio.link/quietandstrong)david [at] quietandstrong.com)
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