Madison Missina loves sex. Carla GS can barely say the word without blushing. Meet The Prude and Th
*** Warning. Explicit content *** It's sex by the numbers. Does how many people you’ve slept w
***Warning. Explicit content*** Do we need to re-think monogamous relationships? In a world of
***Warning. Explicit content*** How do you have a threesome? It's the most common question Madison M
***Warning. Explicit Content*** A tired new mother has a husband with a breastfeeding fetish:
***Warning. Explicit Content*** One in four people has sex at the gym. Madison included. She says th
****Content warning**** A virgin Mormon bride designed a sex app that has Carla hot under the collar
****Big fat explicit content warning*** Why are men obsessed with anal sex? That's this week's liste
*****Warning***** This podcast contains very explicit content. Madison Missina has had sex with over
The show that's everything sex and relationships. Listen in via your headphones...because