Whats up, everyone? This is not any pump piano. Many of you know me as pump. You are listening to the pump podcast, which is my effort to find the most interesting people in the world and sit with them for hours while I ask questions in an effort to learn.
So would mean the world to me if you would subbed ribes to the show on your favorite audio platform, watch episodes on youtube and tell your friends and family about the podcast. My goal is to help millions learn from the world's most interesting people. So let's get in to today's episode.
What's going on, guys? Today's a very, very important conversation. I think IT may be one of the most inspiring conversations i've ever had on this podcast.
I have Michael Julie, the owners of blue cotton, a small business, and bowling Green, kentucky. They previously took their business and they've plug in into the bitcoin twor k in a very unique way. And IT is changing the lives of their hundred and thirty employees that work at their business.
Blue cotton is an in badly in screen printing business. They have a bunch of hourly workers that worked there. They work hard and they go home to their families. But mike and Julie came up with a fantastic plan to help their employees earn IT.
As long as they stayed around the business for a long time in this conversation, you're going to hear about why they did this, how IT works and what the impact has been. There's a lot of people who are interested in very big businesses such as microstrip, gy, blackrock, fidel lite or countries buying bitcoin. But I believe the bitcoin story is all about the people on the ground.
Fia currency is money for the elites, and bitcoin is money for the everyday person. What Michael Julie have done here is they have used bitcoin to infiltrate long term thinking into the organization, and IT has completely revolutionized what they're doing. This conversation will make you think more deeply about bitcoin role in the world.
And if you own a small business, you may want to consider doing what mi juli have done. At the end, they give out their email so that you can reach out to them, and they're more than happy to discuss with anyone what they're doing, how IT works and what the impact has been. And then lastly, i'm a big believer in supporting other people who are pushing bitcoin forward.
And so if your compelled go check out blue cut and dot com, make order, support them as small business owners, and let's show them the power of the bitcoin network. Here is my conversation with Michael jollie of blue cotton. Anthony y poplin o runs pump investments.
All views of him and the guest on his podcast are surely their opinions and do not reflect the opinions of pump investment. You should not treat any opinion expressed by pop or his gas as a specific inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular team, but only as an expression of his personal opinion. This podcast is for informational purposes only.
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So I thought a great place to start this conversation, like, is a you all gave out the huge bonus a couple years ago, and pretty much no one remembers you guys were the good guys when you gave money now. So you're not the good guys that no one remembers ah but then you started to work with bitcoin and bitcoin completely revolutionized your relationship with your employees. Change your business. Can you tell us the story of how you started to think about bitcoin as a tool as a small business owner to uh really revolutionized that relationship?
sure. Um you know I was twenty twenty and I was coated and we were manufacturing business with about a hundred thirty people that work here and to come to work every day. And we're just trying to figure out how do we kind of benefit those people.
So actually said we just said, uh, wonder ver going to walk. I were gonna give thirty thousand dollars away for our small business and that's a lot of money. And you we now see on the floor, and everybody was just like, raw, raw.
And and we felt great about that. I felt great about IT. And then a couple years later, couple years was doing well, doing. I work together again.
And so I went to our most financially responsible people, and I said that because I remember the thirty thousand part, I didn't remember how much everybody get. And I said, I said, how much did you give? And we gave that money wake couple years ago.
And he said, I don't remember. And i'm like, you don't remember, how could you not remember us like the most money we've ever given a way ever know? And so are merely walk on the juice ice.
Hey, we're not doing that again. And I started thinking, what could we do that they would never forget? And that's how this the genesis of kind of this idea to give bit point our people.
Then I thought I would take IT a step for that. We're gonna bitcoin like we're gone to start at the origin of bitcoin. We're gone to learn. I become of bitcoin enthusiasm. Begin with, obviously, but I didn't really know much.
So what here's away matter and so we went to the employees and said, he, listen, we condition we're going to invest in many equipment and you we're onna give bit point away for free, no cost. You I have to a state, is we have a five year planet. If you stay five years, you get the bitcoin.
And so we started manning bitcoin in the summer of twenty two on behalf of our employees. And you know, I told this story a few times to be one. And every time they say that story needs to be told and I always think, well, I I guess this kind unique I never talking about else that did IT, but it's it's not a hard thing to do is just we thought to do IT.
And so now we we men every single day write on location um for our people and they get paid outs every started in twenty seven every five years. We've made a commitment to do this every single year. And I think one of the values of money for everybody is that we do IT on location.
You know, biton can be kind of mysterious rites like this, magic internet money that people can see. But the matters are on location. They can hear them.
They can see him when they walk. Band is like, oh, ah, that's that thing. That is that thing that I can do. I was talking about that we don't really understand, but it's there. And I guess they're some good to we have we have a month on our warehouse that displays like the per share for everybody and how much it's worth. And and even though they may not understand all the new answer of big coin and what IT is, and you know, people can debate back and forth about game theory and all these high level topics, what they can see is that every few months that number of screen goes up. And i'm like like you sure wa, but I know that's good for me.
July, when we talk about a bitcoin, I think that people get really excited. They want to type about microstrip gy. They want to type about countries buying. And black rock is now got any T F. And it's always about like the biggest organizations uh you guys run a small business in bowling Green is a very successful business, hundred thirty people that work there um but it's still a small business that is in black rock. Talk a bit about the business and a kind of what you guys are doing on a daily day basis to maybe put some context around this whole idea of A A small business leaning in bitcoin really to benefit their individual employees.
sure. So like we said, we're in bowling Green, kentucky. We do custom screen printing and borders ies.
So like the shirts we're wearing, we printed these. We actually handed these out. We announced the I but sometimes clubs, groups, organza businesses come together.
That's where our product lives. And so we have um people who are are working right here. You know we have some college educated alive high school.
And we train everybody from the ground to do this work. Um but he was just a way for us to impact them a little bit differently. And let me add all something to this.
Mike said he used a bit on enthusiasts that was not we were not in this together from the beginning. I supported the initiative, but I still didn't know much. I mean, I was just like our employees.
And we went announced IT everyone we kind of everyone just looked this with the dead. Ae is kind of like, okay, thank you. You know, moving on and we told him like he this may not work and the good party is your it's no risk of your personal capital.
So if IT doesn't work out nothing but does work, it's huge for you. And so I think what a lot of small business is, no, is that you have to communicate until you're blue in the face and you have to communicate some more to hear the vision of your company. And you have to do the things that you know are right to do for your employees, even when they don't see that is the right thing to do. And we are just trying to give them away to get ahead and have some skin in the game.
What what is the average uh, pay that some of these employees are are making? And then before the bitcoin, a kind of initiative, how long were they staying on average to use here that uh kind of labor is so hard for small businesses in amErica to to .
retain that is the people part of the toughest part and during coveted, exasperated that you know times a multiple, who knows what? Uh, our average pay is probably about seventeen dollars an hour. So it's like we do not have like a super highly pay workforce or super highly we're force in terms of like high higher education.
But it's a lot good you know honest, hard working people that that come to work in and anything in the you know one of the real drivers, this was those people are the very people getting hurt the most from our like government policy, you know, and from inflation. Just think about just in rest of inflation, people without a lot of assets that have an early wage, they get hit the hardest. And Frankly, we wanted to do something help or people, I think, hope there are about small wners finder list in watching podcast, know everybody wants to do the same thing you want.
Do you want to do write by employees? You will do, write by your customers. So we all have them common.
And we just thought, how do we help our people fight back? They're getting by inflation. And sometimes they don't even know IT. You know, inflation kind of a hidden tax, I can't calculated, but we know IT.
And I thought, know, what can we do to give them a fighting chance? What can we do to give them some agency? What can we do to give them kind of a seat, the table, get their hands on something? And so we thought, well, I mean, I believe bitcoin is the hard test as in the world, and I believe it's a way to project you know time and energy forward, or at least energy forward, you know, for for very long time, even after we're gone.
And here's a way to give them something. Maybe they don't understand IT yet. And let me tell something. They become more beliefs.
All last couple weeks, they become big believer s that number of their boards, over fifty percent of their share. They might not understand all the like I said earlier, but they can understand that there's something there. And I know that i'm giving them something. This can last for a long time. So I think even though you know we're not the highest paid industry, you know we're spring and boring, we can still do something to give our people an opportunity to have a really improved in rich life down the road.
Let me give you some context. Like we're in a manufacturing park and dust rial park, and we're competing with some big names in the business. You know they have plants all across the country where one location uh shop.
And so as they drive to work, there are other companies that have banners in the front yard of their businesses and starting pay twenty dollars son on bonus just set the other. We didn't have that. And so um we kind of set out in twenty twenty two just like getting really clear about our business and what we wanted to be um what we wanted to do for our people.
And we had a strong sense that we wanted to create a future for the people who walk to the store, that they have a life they never thought they would have had, but joining up with the cotton. And this is just a piece of that. So whatever their dreams look like, it's to take a vacation about homes and their kids to college that when they came to blue cotton, a screen print and water company, that they got to achieve all their personal goals. And so this was just one um one way for us to .
yeah and were able to do that without so in part of the company were able to take this asset, big blue are bitcoin, invest in IT and then let IT do the work. So it's away from I really to have a ownership without having ownership in the actual company.
What one of the things that um I think a lot about is on the country level we have seen countries like a soared t or boot on eta who have gone and obviously embraced bitcoin. Um but it's the classic innovators delimit right the biggest countries have the most to lose so they don't take risk whether the smaller countries have the least to lose and so they take risk.
I think you all are a great example of uh, the beneficiary of something similar where a when you are smaller, you don't have a bunch of cash laying around. You're like we can just hand this out like Candy. Instead, we have to get creative. We have to be innovative. Um let's talk about the details of the program that you all credit. So you gave away the the cash in you get to twenty twenty two um you bought miners the miners are creating bitcoin, that bitcoin is sitting in a pot and then it's almost like, uh, if you are an employ, you have a certain percentage of the pot and you have to stay five years to receive IT. But if you leave, you don't get IT kind of the best way to think about this like.
that's exactly right. That's exactly the right. And in look, we started out just want to do something good for our people.
But anthy, let me tell what the result was. The result was our turn cover practically went away, and we had a lot of turn over. I mean, I am embarrass to say for for longer, didn't even track no turn.
And you was about inflation, a hidden tax on people turn others like a hidden tax on business because you don't actually write a check for. But we went back and figure that we were turning over like a hundred and eight percent. So you think we have one hundred and thirty people we're hiring like one hundred and forty people every year for those hundred and thirty positions.
And and honestly, sixty of those hundred and thirty were probably warned late IT was the other sixty, they were turned. So we're turn to sixty jobs, one hundred and thirty times a year, hundred forty times a year. And the crazy thing is when we did this now we did a few other things, do this was just the most impactful, but our turn over has gone down to under fifty percent.
And we credit we largely credit that to this and is that we launch because they feel like there's something here for them. It's not just an early job and we and we have a score board out there or else like I mentioned. And you know, people played differently when they are keep in score and they are able to see the score every single day and they feel like, hey, there's something havers.
I mean, there's a great story. I I, I hope we have time with this. But my wife was gained her, her done here in town.
And SHE was set next to this lady. This lady did not know that he was my wife. SHE did not know that that he was involved, a blue cotton.
But this lays one of our employees and he is talking to hair dresser about retiring and he wants to move to florida. And he said, you know, how would already go? It's our company gives away this thing, how bitcoin and i'm not leaving until I get my share.
So i'm staying in the whole five years until I get IT. When I get IT, then I an removed floria. You know what? That woman couldn't talk to you at all about what Peter ship believes about bitcoin or robber, please believes about big coin or Price or what. But he understands, hey, this things going to impact my future and that's exactly what we were trying to do.
Is this beautiful thing where you have essentially plug your employees. So we talk a lot about companies plugged into the big coin network, but in a way, you all plug your employees. And um just when you guys uh, did this, I think you were saying that you were similar to the employees, right? You know like hey, i've heard about bitcoin, but maybe i'm not the expert here.
Um what do you hear from the employees in terms of their understanding? Now it's obvious that when they see a score board, it's like here I got you know I got some money there and so well, that's pretty but know you had to score the the understanding on like a one ten scale. How would you think about that?
So we have two groups of employees and make up about a third of our workforce that we have like personal development classes with every week. I would say that they have a really good understanding because we just finish up a personal finance series. And two of those five weeks was about bitcoin.
And so the thing that were you realized is all the things that might have just talk about, we didn't talk about and that over you have to come down to what does this mean for you? Like we have to put IT in terms of like this is how it's going to be impacted for you. They don't need to know all the specifics of a bit on and they want to we can get into that with but just comes down to how can we work on this with you.
So um now we have employees talking about jokingly saying they're going going to have to gets some people fired so that they are share, you know goes up but really underthings that they see especially now I mean, it's with anything you're seeing is believing. And one of that numbers going up, we do have a lot more enugu m, but we were trying to teach long term thinking. We just have a lot people that just kind of what's right in front of them is what they see, what they believe.
So trying to give them a kind of a different perspective, kind of to build some fish skin as things go up and down and realize that you still do these things because they'll pay off in the future. And so these are just type of life lessons that we're giving to our team. And you know some people. More than others. But i'd say when that first pay outcomes, they'll i'll be a huge readers .
yeah you imagine I think we can paint IT all sound as much as we wanted to look. But but the fact the matter is in june or twenty two, when I called her by together on the lower talk about this, I mean, they most ninety five percent of what to me like I was speaking a foregone language. They like what in the world.
In fact, Julie mention these persons development classes that we, that we leave on tuesday, on wednesday and I had to go the other day, we're financial as we whole session on bitch, session on big and she's looking at me and I looked over and I just said, jenson, you don't believe what this do you? And SHE SHE just looked at me and I said, one of these days we're onna make you so red and we're going to do use a bacon in and you're going to come back and say, I really appreciate you do know that for me. So look, some people get in more than others.
The payments having started to happening IT, but that monitor in the warehouse that shows the Price that keeps going up. And we have an employment every month and every say, hey, how's our big one investment doing IT? Granted, we have to drive IT more from the top.
It's it's not just like it's not just like ground swell of support from our people yet although it's been two and five years and we went for maybe three or four people out of a hundred. They tired about on day one and others probably thirty or people have a hundred thirty that actively asked me, hi, what's going on with the big. And so it's it's wrong. It's been to and have years only half our first pale, but that adoption is growing.
And and we have recent investors where people have not invested in anything and they've just gotten into the market with thick coin. So they're trying they are dip in their toes. I mean, for us, we just preach like getting in the game is more important than not. But I think their personal adom of IT and then using their own money has just been a great sign that that they are catching on.
What's this idea that um know you all do IT for them, you expose them to the ideas the persons development class is obviously or something that most businesses don't do, but that are very commented that you guys do. And then once you earned with knowledge, they are like, hey, my boss, my business has plugged me in. Uh, maybe I should also do some of this myself.
And I think that this is um it's very natural, I think in terms of how bit on adoption has happened, right? Is you usually it's your friend did somebody, you know, whatever who went, they bought a bitcoin. And then the old joke that how do you know someone has bitcoin? It'll tell you right? And so the word of mouth threats, and as you learn about IT, everyone is, you know a little bit cautious.
They're kind of a skeptical. There's no way this is a real thing. Um but ultimately, I think the point that you guys made of early wage workers, which you are paying higher than Better wage, right? You doing the best you can, but you're running a business.
And so you've got to be able to grow and invest in by machinery and you know all of the complexity of these businesses. But wow, how powerful is IT that? Hey, maybe we can pay the book of their pay in dollars, but we pay a little bit in bitcoin.
This bitcoin thing may be able to take care of them is is pretty powerful. And what is currently the amount that maybe the range of employees have in this pot? And then what are you guys expect IT to be, you know, when you actually get to two half years down on the road, you'll just pay out .
we bought the manner's back in twenty twenty two, we actually to set a bus. Uh, and then we also one point when the Price dip so much at the end of twenty two, we actually just bought two coins to kind of produce the deduce the deal. But right now, just that program that we have just far employees has got just over four coins in IT, and we believe that will have six by twenty thirty.
And so you know extravagance out whatever you think the Prices and divide them by the number people that we think stay. You know, we feel like I always we employ about a hundred, hundred and thirty people, the people that will stay five years. That's probably without have we we kind of factor based on about sixty people.
So you know takes six coins time, whatever the Price you think is about about sixteen. And you know what anything I went to, I went to bet they won't forget that number. They won't be like twenty twenty. They won't just cheer and then walk away.
And IT wasn't impactful and willing to bet we can make a significant dent in these people's lives, really enrich them perhaps even generation ally perhaps if the number you know if it's a sailor case, you it's even if it's sailors like medium case of thirteen thirteen 10 is more money than a lot of people ever dream they would see。 And and and we just are thrilled with the fact that, you know what, we have way to do something super. In fact, for four people, everybody wants to take care of their employees, or I want to take care their customers.
This is just a kind, innovative and unique to do IT know you. We own this business. We can be flexible.
We don't have to hear to the corporate status quo. We can do whatever we want. And we just thought, you know what? Um this is a cool way to involved .
and I think the important thing to know this is that all of this originated out of a desire to impact our people fall in a way that just uh, then we got a lot more being for but than just given out. So some people might tell me like what would be completely transparent at the beginning.
We invested one hundred and twenty thousand on behalf of our employees to cover the twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty payout, some people would say, or why even our employees would say, or why don't you just give us one hundred twenty thousand on our on our paycheck? Well, for all the reasons that we believe in bitcoin and in the value of that versus the dollar. But also so um if we don't know how to mean in germany, then IT doesn't master what we pay you here.
It's gonna be gone. And so we we're just trying we're kind bought ourselves five years late. Our people educate personal finance.
I mean, I know there's a lot of big corporation people listening to, but from a small business level educated or high school educated employees of personal finance is something that we talk about. It's not something that we know. We haven't always had great examples of how to manage money.
And so that just a personal topic. And so these are baby steps like we're talking about something that we've been doing for three years now. And IT takes a lot of time to build the rest of the of your people to even like look at you as someone who can help them that your in IT for them and not in IT for yourself.
So I just think of the thing that it's done for our people, just giving them more confidence in their own financial future and learning about that, able to have some people to talk about and some discussion. But the thing that sent for our company, which we did not set out to do, but it's just what happens, is that we've gotten stronger. So might mention our retention has risen down.
And what that means for our business, which is a very manual, skilled work of a screen printing in every once their shirt to be done in correctly. Well, when people aren't turning over all the time, they have more knowledge, they have more experience. They can work faster with less mistakes.
And so we've produced more this year than we ever have. We've had zero days of min data over time, which has never happened. So that provides more but work life baLance for our employees, and it's just a Better experience for our customers. So we did this for employees, but really, everyone is .
benefitting from yeah, I just enough. And we've had overtime every year and that we've had the big year we've ever had. We have not had one single diamond or over time, and that's because our retention is so much higher, the experience for people so much Better.
And that know when we set out to get big point away two and a half years ago, nobody thought h we won't have over time and twenty, twenty four. But you know what? We don't it's change.
IT has changed the small little input, right? The small little input and it's changed our business and and that's what we are talking you about because we think other people have the ability to the same thing. And it's it's it's not rocky science. It's just know how about investment and asset for your people is that has stained power and then just see what IT does for your company. It's done a lot for us.
Let's talk about um if you were talking to another small business and they wanted to go in and explore this and what are the lessons that you all have learned over the last two, two and half years um are the things you would do differently or how would you say, look, this is this is the way to kind of run this playbook.
I would say education is a big part of that. You know we we could we could have made this announcement, put the number on the monitor, but you've got ta talk about IT all the time. Um we started this um we start this personal development classical way.
We bought your book. We bought like times your book for all our people. And and and that book is tremendous, like short little lessons that are so practical and we're using like that's the kind of content we're using these personal development classes.
And so it's it's education of how to just specially improve people's lives. We say all the time I ever what I wants to get Better. So let's have our discipline, have more physical discipline, uh, community discipline, spiritual discipline, financial, uh, let's read. Let's try to improve ourselves.
And so I think the advice that I would give is if you're gona do this, it's more than just basin bitcoin and put them up, told stores for your people or or even if you want a man, that's a little more involved. But we just wanted do that because we want to learn money, but it's more more than just band IT and put in, in those stories. There's also the work that goes in, of lifting people, pointing them towards something.
That they probably didn't see. And we started out these groups that was a group of twenty two people and a group of another twenty two people. We called him the twenty two and the next twenty two.
But after this financial welcome series that we just went through for last five weeks, and we ended with last few weeks on big coin, now we call the millionaire because I have shown everybody in those girls, and I also earlier, our average wage about seventeen an hour. But I have shown every single person in those two groups that forty four, one hundred thirty people, they can be million ears when they're sixty five, with just a little bit discipline. With the end, we have a four one.
Can we have all the traditional thanks that they can invest in? But with this big coin initiative and just a little bit financial discipline here, you can be a million or and and we've got people thinking in a million aire like I can every millionaire, but they can be. So I just think it's it's more than just buying the coin and put involved. It's educating and teaching and pointing and thinking about long time and getting people to look past the into their nose. That's that's kind of the key to drive IT home.
Yeah I I would say .
that you can um just do IT and walk away but it's not like I said IT and forget IT. I think you have to get really clear on why you're doing IT for your people if you're just trying to be a grab of good, like it's gonna work that way. So there's a little bit more effort simply on the education and letting people know the good thing that's happening for them. So it's not to pack yourself on the bed, but people have to really understand the good things that the benefits that they are getting from being with .
your company is a culture move for us, bitcoin is truth. Bitcoin is transparency. A bitcoin is long term thinking. It's like where of indeed of the kind of things we want to like, you know, are people to digest and and that kind of thinking because that makes them Better and makes our business Better, which is Better for our customers. 这个 i was just .
gonna um as you all become known as the bitcoin company um which is maybe one of my goals in doing this。 Um have you seen A A response from customers? Is there anything that that has affected there? Um maybe before you guys come on and do this podcast conversation.
well, we have we actually accept big point as payment. So here we are, our online, our our webs like blue on to regenerate most of our business you can actually go to and pay, pay, pay and and people have it's not been as much of a customer facing thing as it's been an employee facing thing. But but the word in our we live in a community of our country, about one hundred thirty, five hundred forty thousand people.
So it's not a huge city. And we've got about like a seven hundred thirty people and they're talking. And so you know how here people say, oh, don't you get us, don't you are you all like in some of big coin in most of big in is and i'm like, yeah and then I just kind of a plant more to talk about IT. So um it's a great talking point, is a great way to educate.
And you know i'm all about one increase adoption like i'm a big, big one believer myself personally and I want to increase adoption and part of the three was he because I look anything I want to be the president, okay, what's just I I like to be the president, but i'm not going to be the president, but I can do act, impact about one hundred people, and i'm going to do all. I can impact those other people. And I am going to spread the truth about what I believe to be the best .
asset the world like you got you got july's vote in my vote so you're .
ready away there i'll be the .
deep stay ranging everything from behind um I would say that you know we first put this out with people would say, oh, bitcoin, they were kind of snicker a little a bit. Where do you know? It's just interesting thing now that it's catching on.
It's it's a different now I mean, when my mike was meaning with some other well business owners um in our hometown and when he explained that what we're doing, the man said, will no one's ever never leave your company and will like exactly but so it's increased the competition for jobs around here. We don't just have to settle for low performers. You know we have people wanting to get in trying to get a job here.
So now we have our pic of to find the the top culture fits in top performers. But I will say we put out a press release about this um earlier this year may be right the last year and you put IT on linton zero zero traction. And so I don't know if you'd put that out now what I would do, but IT was just such a foreign concept period, much less for a business to do.
Don't worry, I will take care that for you guys. And I think if we put IT on twitter, there might be a few more .
people have more excited well to answer. Do our customers know about IT, but they fill IT, they get the benefits of IT. And so it's not a direct benefit to the training and things we've done, but simply about retaining people.
Um their skills have gotten Better. They can work faster. People get their orders complete and just as they expected. So um our reviews are good.
Let's just say that amazing. Um I think my message everyone is a blue cut in that com. You guys are pioneering um you know an entirely new way to uh plugging business into the bitcoin network.
And uh you know for those who are um just pure investors, they may not understand some of the ancillary benefits. But just hearing the two of you talk, uh every single persons that owns a business immediately understands the language of attention, you know high performance, uh, Better quality, uh, serving the customer. You know all of these things are are things that people regards to, whether they know about bitcoin, don't know about IT, care about IT, don't care about IT.
They're constantly trying to get their business to kind of check these boxes and and deliver on this stuff. Um and so if there's something out there that help with those things, who cares of a big coin or something else, right? It's ultimately, can we be more efficient? Can we have Better people? Can we know have that retention, can Better deliver for our customers? Pretty powerful concept.
We agree. Yeah, absolutely.
It's is a cool way to take this really innovative and powerful tool and plugged IT in and see what happens. You I think I think when bit going started, people thought about as a currency and then they thought about as a storm of value, and now they were thought about as national strategic defense. But you know, it's got a lot more use cases.
And I think I don't know, I don't know what to tosi knew he knew a lot, but did he know that I would be use the way it's being used today? I don't know. I don't know that he knew was going to impact a company. And bowling Green can tucky real people on the ground and just give them a fighting chance. I don't know if you knew that, but you know what is happening.
something we always say. And talking about our business is that t shirt? Mark, the memories of our lives.
You know, like, we know who you are. We don't T, T, T things. You tell your life and the things that are important to you. And so we get a lot of um satisfaction out of being in the company that does meaningful work.
And so this is just one more way that kind of just really bring the whole thing together of connecting with our employees, connecting with our customers, giving them um dignity in their work, a meaningful experience that every single product that working on is so important to the customer. And so are wages and car frames and things like this. But these are products that they're not going to throw away very soon.
So we just feel like we're impacting our customers now. We get to impact our employees and very meaning way. So it's all come together for us.
I love you. Thank you guys. We're taking the time to to do this. I think that your story is not only one that is is prety powerful but also it's inspiring hopefully to many other business sooners. Um and I will point everyone to blue cut in that com if they want to support you guys teachers and clothing uh but also um is there an email um that maybe you guys want to give out other business, others I want to reach out .
and her ask you for for the details on how to can reach to be anybody spread the gospel around about IT. We want to use that the impact as many people as we can.
Yes, we welcome people who want to come out here to, not Michael, be a great one to talk about IT. I can talk about how to help people.
amazing. Thank you guys both for doing this, and i'm excited to see what happens to two and half years.
Oh, thank you. preciate.