The Journey Mindset is a podcast focused on helping people enjoy the process of learning to invest a
Sean and Ron launch their first podcast in 2022! After a casual conversation discussing the pros and
One of the best ways that investors can set themselves up for a tax-efficient retirement is to be st
In America, we have an educational environment that causes many people to be tied down for decades w
If you are someone that is currently paying off student loans, wants to prepare for the possibility
When is the right time to sell an investment? In our show this week we review over two investment an
How many investment vehicles are you aware of that allow for triple tax advantages? Tune into our sh
What are some of the best ways that we can reduce our overall tax bill? Tune into our show this week
In this episode we talk about financial literacy, the ability to make wise decisions about your mone
What is usually the number one priority for most wealthy individuals? Reducing their tax bill. Tune
This is a retired individual's dream! If only all of us as investors could build our portfolios to a
How can you best prepare for the final stage of your life? Tune into our show today, to stay on top
On our solo show this week we dive into the top two types of Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum,
On this episode we evaluate a podcast done with Dennis Lynch where he details how they build their i
What does it take to master the market cycle? This week's show dives into Howard Mark's framework fo
Sean and Ron take a look at how we as individual investors can make the most of working at our main
If you are an individual or a family that is considering meeting or working with an advisor for the
Have you every wondered to yourself if you have enough money to retire? You are not alone! Tune into
In this episode our listeners can learn how some of the most successful investors of all time employ
Don't overreact to this episode title, but don't under react either! Our topic for this week is tryi
Tune into our show this week to see the new investing trend that has started to take over our market