Take deep dives with Reds broadcaster Jim Day as he interviews current and former Reds players, coac
It's the Season Debut of the Jim Day Podcast as Jim goes to the top of the rotation with a in-depth
Former Reds pitcher & current Reds TV analyst Sam LeCure returns with banter only Sam can provid
Reds broadcaster Tommy Thrall returns for a lively and wide-ranging chat on the unique life in Major
It's girl dad power! As Tyler Stephenson and Jim go deep inside the game and life on the latest edit
We're going deep inside the game Cowboy style with Jeff Brantley. To learn more about listener data
MLB.com's Mark Sheldon joins Jim to analyze the Reds' first half, the positives and negatives, the l
J.J. Cooper, the Editor-in-Chief at Baseball America and Cincinnati Enquirer's Charlie Goldsmith joi
It's a plethora of topics and some laughs with Reds Television play-by-play man John Sadak. To lear
From on-the-field to off-the-field, it's a wide ranging conversation with Andrew Abbott as he retur
Tejay Antone brings his insight, wit, inspiration and tough times back to the Jim Day Podcast. To l
The unlikely and inspiring story of Jacob Hurtubise. From West Point Grad all the way to the Major L
MLB Pipeline's Senior Writer Jim Callis returns to discuss the Reds Top 30 Prospects, the Reds upcom
We're talking ball, teammates, New Year's Eve wedding, being a Newlywed, a new dog and much more wit
A wide-ranging conversation is had once again with Mr. Versatile Spencer Steer. To learn more about
Tyler Stephenson & Jim have a deep conversation about the tough journey to improve at the Major
Brent Suter brings his unique personality back to the Jim Day Podcast, but this time in a Reds unifo
Jonny Gomes brings his incredible life story to the Jim Day Podcast. To learn more about listener d
He's one of the Reds team leaders from an unlikely position, Luke Maile brings his tremendous insigh
It's a get to know episode as Reds Opening Day starter Frankie Montas makes his Jim Day Podcast debu
The Jim Day Podcast new season debuts the same as last (don't mess with a good thing!), with the eve