An Up-to-date Audio-Flashcards Review of Medicine
USMLE Content Outline: Achalasia, DES and Sclerodermal Esophageal Dysmotility, A question-based Rapi
USMLE Content Outline Topic discussion on Different types of Esophagitis (Infectious, Reflux, Chemic
USMLE Content Outline Topic: Esophageal Varices, Mallory-Weiss Tears & Boerhaave's Syndrome (Rap
USMLE Content Outline Topic: Esophageal Hernias, Diverticulae, Webs & Strictures (Rapid Review)
USMLE Content Outline Topics : Barrett's esophagus & Esophageal Cancers (Adenocarcinoma & Sq
USMLE Content Outline Topic: Malabsorption Lab Workup A Question-based & High-yield Review of la
USMLE Content Outline Topic: Malabsorption Syndromes A Rapid Question-based Review of underlying pat
USMLE Content Outline Topic: Malabsorption Syndromes A high-yield & Rapid Review of Common Inte
USMLE Content Outline Topics: Carcinoid Tumor/Syndrome and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Rapid Question-
USMLE Content Outline Topics: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Colonic Diverticulae (Rapid Review)
USMLE Content Outline Topic: Colorectal cancer and Polyps Management Options and Screening (Rapid Qu
USMLE Content Outline Topics: Colonic polyps, Familial polyposis syndromes and molecular pathways of
A high-yield question-based review of anorectal diseases including Hemorrhoids, Fissure, Pilonical d
USMLE Content Outline Topic: Nutrition, Vitamins and Minerals A Rapid Question-based review of nutri
USMLE Content Outline Topic: Vitamin B family A discussion of pathogenesis & clinical assessment
A Rapid Question-based Review of Mesenteric Ischemia & Ischemic Colitis
A Rapid review of small & large bowel obstruction
A question-based review of neonatal & infantile atresia & stenosis in GI tract (esophageal atresia &