Are you looking for some clarity and insight when it comes to the topic of ESG? Look no further... W
The fifteenth episode in this series sees Jessica speaking with Jamie Butterworth, Co-Founder of Cir
The fourteenth episode in this series sees Jessica speaking with Piers Hillier, Chief Investment Off
The thirteenth episode in this series sees Jessica speaking with Amy Gutcher, Chief Financial Office
The twelfth episode in this series sees Jessica speaking with Lorenzo Saa, Chief Sustainability Offi
The eleventh episode in this series sees Jessica speaking with Sophie Winwood, co-founder and CEO of
The tenth episode in this series sees Jessica speaking with Carol Thomas, Head of Sustainable and Re
The ninth episode in this series sees Jessica speaking with Harriet Assem, Head of Sustainability of
The eighth episode in this series sees Jessica speaking with Dr Tom Gosling, Executive Fellow of Fin
The seventh episode in this series sees Jessica speaking with Rob Gardner, Founder, Rebalance Earth
The sixth episode in this series sees Jessica focussing on Real Estate and speaking with Louise Elli
The fifth episode in this series sees Jessica speaking to Paul Lee, Head of Stewardship and Sustaina
The fourth episode in this series sees Jessica speaking to Jennifer O’Neill, Associate Partner and E
The third episode in this series sees Jessica speaking to Chris Jones, an experienced NED and Audit
The second episode in this series sees Jessica speaking to David Strachan, Deloitte, Partner, Hea
The first episode in this series sees Jessica speaking to Katherine Lampen, Partner, Head of Sustain