Jon Ostrower, Brian Sumers and Brett Snyder discuss the business of the sky on this aviation podcast
Brett Snyder's annual Cranky Network Awards is the event of the year and the place to be for th
Southwest Airlines is in a major transition — layoffs, an activist investor, and a changing product.
United thinks it has found a way to once and for all make the airline Chicago's dominant player
Brian Sumers, Brett Snyder, and Jon Ostrower discuss Boom's recent supersonic test flights — a
Jon Ostrower, Brian Sumers and Brett Snyder discuss the tragic collision of American Eagle flight 53
Brian Sumers puts Brett Snyder on the hot seat on a bunch of things going on at US airlines this mon
As it plans to emerge from bankruptcy, America's first ULCC is trying to reinvent itself as a m
It's our final episode of 2024! Brett Snyder, Brian Sumers and Jon Ostrower chat about what 202
Ben Minicucci joins the show to discuss Alaska's big news today — and then some. Minicucci talk
The top U.S.-based airline continues to play it cool. Delta's execs were casual during the airl
Marty St. George joins the show this week to discuss his second stint at JetBlue, this time as presi
The A321XLR entered service with Iberia on November 14, and so begins the next generation of long-ha
Is the drama over? Is this a ceasefire? An agreement to cooperate? Brett Snyder, Brian Sumers and Jo
The Boeing strike continues. On Wednesday, 64% of machinists rejected Boeing's negotiated propo
United Airlines is making moves and announcing splashy new routes — the kind you might expect from a
Brett Snyder and Jon Ostrower discuss Q2 2024 data for the domestic airline market. American Airline
Brett Snyder recaps his trip to Dallas for Southwest Airlines' investor day, even though we alr
Now that the U.S. government has approved the merger, Brett Snyder, Brian Sumers, and Jon Ostrower t
It was a busy week in the aviation world in the Pacific Northwest. We'll get to the Alaska-Hawa
The U.S. Department of Transportation informed the four biggest airlines it would like more informat