cover of episode #156. Daniel Bateman: PUA, Confidence, Rejection

#156. Daniel Bateman: PUA, Confidence, Rejection

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Daniel Bateman (白德翰)
Daniel Bateman (白德翰): 我在学习和实践PUA理念的过程中,深刻体会到自信和直接沟通的重要性。它不仅帮助我提升了与女性交往的技巧,也改善了我的人际关系和商业合作。我读过尼尔·史特劳斯的《游戏》,这本书的核心思想是主动出击,积极参与社交活动,而不是被动等待。在与女性交往中,我学会了直接表达自己的意愿,明确期望,尊重对方的回应。即使被拒绝,我也能从中学习和成长。同时,我也意识到PUA理念的负面影响,一些人利用它来控制和操纵他人,这与我的初衷相悖。因此,在实践中,我始终坚持尊重女性,并避免走向极端。在与中国人的交往中,我学习到人际关系的重要性,以及如何适应当地的文化。我努力在自信和坚持之间找到平衡,避免成为一个油滑的人。 我的社交媒体内容也反映了这些理念,我分享自己在中国和西方文化中做生意的经验,以及我学习和实践PUA理念的感悟。我努力克服各种借口,积极创作内容,并坚持内容的积极性和正能量。我致力于成为一个积极的榜样,分享我在中国和西方文化中做生意的经验。 Justin: (观点补充和讨论) Howie: (观点补充和讨论) Eric: (观点补充和讨论)

Deep Dive

  • 巧妙回应社交寒暄,体现真诚与关注
  • 关注谈话者的真实意图,而非表面客套
  • 在回应中融入自身经历,并引导对方分享

Shownotes Transcript

Daniel Bateman (白德翰) is a content creator of his own social media channel @baidehan focused on being British, business and lifestyle in China.  He is also the host of the "Panda Profits Podcast" and the founder of Brit Bridge, a global consultancy and marketing company.  Today we talk about the book "The Game" by Neil Strauss and how it helped Daniel gain confidence in approaching women, dating, and conducting business.  We talk about the awkwardness of starting conversations with strangers and the value of being direct, taking initiative, and why we should always be opening.  We discuss dating apps, role models, and the fine line between confidence and being a creep.  We talk about social media personalities, toxic ideology and social order in the UK and China.  We also get into the bumpy ride of maintaining chemistry and resolving conflict when co-hosting a podcast.

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