The official podcast of T.REX ARMS. Weekly thoughts and conversations between various team members d


Total: 256

Crafting your own weapons is a great American tradition. The learning curve has always been steep, b

With a new President, new Attorney General, new Acting Director of the ATF... what happens next? Wha

A little-known part of Henry Chan's backstory is that he grew up in colonial Hong Kong, an area

In the midst of all the latest news with Anduril and IVAS, let's check in on other Augmented Rea

Last week, the New York Times published a fascinating article "How YouTube is Changing American

In the first two weeks, the new administration has taken a perfectly normal course of action, such

Our long-running series of long explorations into past ATF activities finally makes it to current d

After the horror of Ruby Ridge and the brutality of Waco, you might expect the newly elected Clinto

Our last video made the case that the ATF, while built to crack down on criminals, was actually set

Drones are hot right now, and David Han Jr. joins us to describe his business startup, which designs

This is a video on the T-Rex lab channel, but due to the number of requests, we're also posting it h

Isaac sits down with our COO Bryan to talk about Christmas, and Bryan brings an interesting topic to

We've been talking a lot about American manufacturing tools and technologies over on the T.REX LABS

Creativity in film, television, and other fictional media seems to be at a pretty low ebb in the 21s

As the year is wrapping up, we have a lot to be grateful for. Whatever your circumstances, whenever

New Zealand has been in the news last week, as protests against equal rights produced many viral vid

Our favorite tech-centered gun rights organization (and newsletter, thinktank, VC group, etc) has ju

The 2024 election night upset was a red wave for the presidency, State governors, the Senate, and po

We are days away from one of the most heated presidential elections in American history. However, th

Today's guest is Jake from Gridbase, a company that builds digital library tools, creates educationa