Hosted by Ed Helms, SNAFU is a podcast about history's greatest screw-ups. This is Season 2: MEDBURG
Organized crime, speakeasy gin, and jazz impresarios stole headlines in the 1920s, but behind the sc
This is the story of Prohibition you haven't heard. Sure, Prohibition was a gigantic SNAFU to begin
While we're hard at work on season 3 of SNAFU, we’re excited to revisit a pivotal moment from
Exciting news from SNAFU headquarters: our first book is coming out April 29, 2025. It's called SNAF
While the SNAFU Team is hard at work on our next season, we are excited to share the first episode o
Robert sits down with the great Ed Helms to discuss Curtis Yarvin, the American philosopher of dicta
COINTELPRO was shut down in 1971, and J. Edgar Hoover died in 1972. But the agency's dirty tricks co
Former Church Committee Staffer Loch Johnson helps us dig deeper into the Church Committee Hearings
The FBI tries to clean up its act, but will all those lessons learned later be… forgotten? Plus, the
Journalist Carl Stern stumbles upon a single, curious codeword in the burglarized documents: COINTEL
A mole, a raid, and a war on trial. The Camden 28 make national headlines. But will their trial jeop
The FBI hunts the burglars, who suddenly have a window into J. Edgar Hoover's most twisted and sinis
As Ali and Frazier go head-to-head in The Fight of the Century, Bill Davidon and his team aim to pul