Shawn And Colin Read The News

Stay up to date with the day's headlines analyzed by brain geniuses.


Total: 76

Shawn and Colin tackle America's 8 worst fast food burgers.

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We finally did a good episode.

Make sure you don a Johnny-bag when snogging a right fit bird, boyo.

Today we ride the rollercoaster of the markets. Dollar dollar bills y'all.

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Still gotta flesh out the track list, but track it 11 is called Who Makes the Space Laws.

News in the morning, news in the evening, news at supper time. When Shawn and Colin read news, you c

We both lost over $250,000 on GameStop so we have to get back into the podcast mines to earn our sup

After narrowly surviving the Nashville blast, Shawn is back with all of today's hardest hitting head

On this episode we blast off on a rocketship of knowledge to explore the the light side, and the dar

Awesome new logo by Jaselle Spencer!

This week Shawn and Colin compare over 50 models of crossbow to determine which is right for you.

Please shelter in a doorway or under a sturdy table while listening to this ep.

What's the deal with Florida? I mean, really? We've both lived there so we can say that.

Hopefully one day, in a shining utopia like, I don't know, 2020, we won't have to deal with this shi

It's very hard to have a comedy news podcast right now. Jesus Christ.

On this ep we discuss Hitler's meth and Nuremberg in separate, unrelated stories.

Bham comic Brooks Bell (insta: @aguynamedbrooks) joins us to discuss Chuck E Cheese pizza and stripe

Lowell Brillante joins us to talk about the best pressure points to use to take down someone who get