Sensing Ground: Beyond Symptoms and Navigating Bodily Sensations

I am Joey Remenyi, Founder and Director of Seeking Balance International, a world-leader in recovery


Total: 225

Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks with Stacey from the UK about overcoming chron

Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks with Gretchen Gavero, a psychiatrist and psych

Joey answers this question: "Is hypersensitivity a type of neurodivergence? Any specific recommend

Joey answers this question: "Often I hear that we are told to listen to what our sensations have to

Joey answers this question: "Does listening to the body mean listening to our unwanted sensations a

Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks about dizziness and vertigo. Our balance is ma

What Is Tinnitus?


Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks about tinnitus: what is it? Can we overcome it

We are all cluttered with overload, overwhelm and over-culture. Let's return to our bodies and redef

Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks with Chris Wells from The Dabrowski Center abo

Joey Remenyi talks about migraine from the perspective of wholeness: what is our body communicating

Joey talks about recovery of persistent brain fog, disorientation and heaviness. How do we return to

Joey talks about how the ROCK STEADY skills and way of life translate into parenting for neurodiverg

Joey Remenyi talks with Lydia from the US about her recovery process from vertigo and visual blur. S

Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks about understanding the wisdom within our bodi

Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks about how we are swimming in unseen data, that

Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks about the concept of Neurocomplexity developed

Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International speaks with Tinkara from Slovenia about her experien

Joey talks with Bethanie about her experience of multiple diagnoses, lengthy and expensive specialis

Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International takes you on a journey into your body, a meditation

Jarret’s Song


Jarret’s Song by