James Hickman is a West Point graduate and former intelligence officer who has had an extensive busi
We recently received a question from a reader asking for my thoughts on crypto. He said we’ve been t
In the year 1025, the Byzantine Empire stood at the height of its final golden age. Basil II had jus
Yesterday, Nvidia—the company which makes GPUs, including for AI— suffered the largest single-day ma
The Wall Street Journal this morning released its latest economic forecast survey. This is where the
It’s hilarious how Joe Biden spent his entire four year administration using tech companies to suppr
In 1913, 24-year-old Charlie Chaplin arrived in Los Angeles, drawn by an offer from Keystone Film Co
In the year 500 AD, just a few decades after the fall of Western roman empire, the standard of livin
If you examine the anatomy of a crisis, it seems like almost all of the big ones start with a comple
What does it really mean to have a Plan B— especially these days? We’ve used the term Plan B for alm
Right at the beginning of the year in early January, I wrote to you about one of the dumbest laws to
On November 20, 1945, an international tribunal first convened in the Bavarian city of Nuremberg to
At the center of Sovereign Man’s core ethos is the indisputable view that the United States is in de
In 1898, a Polish author named Jan Bloch published a 3,000+ page volume on modern warfare entitled F
Throughout history, whenever there has been a major shift in the world, it has usually been accompan
Last June, during the European Central Bank forum, the host asked the chairman of the Federal Reserv
Two weeks ago, I told you that the US government had just published its annual financial report. The
Imagine if Elon Musk stood up one day and told the world, “My #1 goal is for Tesla stock to lose 2%
There’s hardly anything that POTUS loves to brag about more than his ‘economic success’. He is, afte
Most people have a peasant mentality. Throughout human history, in fact, the vast majority of people
Gold is really an amazing metal when you think about it. It doesn’t corrode. Coins buried undergroun