Tier list? Check. Cheap microphone? Check. Two unqualified teenage podcast hosts? Check! Now, let's
We test Nathan's girlbossery with a brilliant quiz designed by bestie RJ! Play along at home to see
You thought you had gotten rid of us? Only in Clarence Thomas' dreams. For our tenth episode, we dec
Having three million 2020 DNC candidates did no good for the election, our little brains, or democra
Clowning on the right wing again, what more could you possibly ask for in a Rank and File episode?
Your favorite podcasters are at it once again. And by it, we of course mean having horrible and nons
Wowie! It took only six episodes before we completely abandoned the concept of the show! In this epi
Funky and cool episode coming at you, all about the various revolts and rebellions that have shaped
The episodes keep getting longer and the production quality keeps going down! This new motto for the
Welcome one, welcome all! In this episode RJ, Nathan, and special guest Mady Fowler dive into 8 of t
Welcome to an episode where RJ and Nathan laugh, cry, scream, and ascend past the human plane of exi
Oh baby, politics amirite? On this sick and funny episode of Rank and File, RJ & Nathan rank the sil