Proof: A True Crime Podcast is a serialized investigation into cases of potential wrongful convictio
On December 8, 2022, Lee Clark and Cain Joshua Storey were exonerated after serving 25 years in pris
During the course of their investigation, Susan Simpson and Jacinda Davis uncovered pieces of eviden
Susan Simpson, Jacinda Davis, and Kevin Fitzpatrick share updates on the status of Jake Silva's case
A witness comes forward with new information about Renee’s last days. And an unexpected discovery co
In Episode 16 of Proof: Murder at the Warehouse, Susan and Jacinda interviewed two witnesses who cam
Coming forward with information about a murder can be scary, and for some people it comes with conse
With season two winding down, vital information continues to come in. Faced with a tidal wave of inn
Their first interview with Tim Fisher left Susan, Jacinda, and Kevin with more questions than answer
In Episode 14 of Proof: Did You Find the Real Killer, Eric Greer’s mother shared startling informati
Eric Greer was hit by a car and killed months after recording a video statement about Renee Ramos’ m
In addition to answering listener questions, Susan, Jacinda, and Kevin talk about what it was like i
Susan Simpson and Jacinda Davis plunge deeper into the investigation of 18-year-old Renee Ramos’ mur
In this week’s Sidebar Susan, Jacinda and Kevin share a disheartening update on where things stand o
Josh Burroughs told detectives a multitude of different stories about what happened the night 18-yea
Not all witnesses want to talk, that’s expected. In this week’s Sidebar the hosts discuss the possib
The Proof Team continues to investigate the murder of Renee Ramos and heads to the Midwest to talk t
Will the real Rapper’s Delight please stand up? Susan's endless hunt for the real Rapper’s Delight c
Susan, Jacinda, and Kevin talk to Louis’ mom and find out why she thinks Jake Silva is innocent. And
The team continues their investigation into Renee Ramos' murder on the next episode of Proof. In the
On December 8, 2022, after serving 25 years in prison for a crime they did not commit, Lee Clark and