Polygamy: What Love Is This is an Internet video program that discusses Mormon Fundamentalist polyga
Topic: Righteousness & Law in Mormonism Guest co-host: Karen Bradshaw
Topic: Do Not Go Beyond What is Written Guest co-host: Karen Bradshaw
Topic: What is On Your Shelf? Co-host: Earl Erskine
In Polygamy's Shadow, Cont'd (Part 2) with guest co-host Karen Bradshaw
Topic: Joseph Musser: Plural or Celestial Marriage, Pt 1 Guest co-host: Karen Bradshaw
Topic: Joseph Jackson on Joseph Smith, Part 2 Co-host: Earl Erskine
Topic: Joseph Jackson on Joseph Smith, Part 1 Co-host: Earl Erskine
Topic: Update on the Bateman Case; Viewer comments Co-host: Earl Erskine
In Polygamy's Shadow, cont'd (Part 1), with guest co-host Karen Bradshaw
Topic: Joseph Musser: Plural or Celestial Marriage, Pt 2 Guest co-host: Karen Bradshaw
Documentary Evidence of Joseph Smith's Polygamy, Part 12(with co-host Earl Erskine)
Documentary Evidence of Joseph Smith's Polygamy, Part 1 (with co-host Earl Erskine)
Topic: Doctrines of Charles Kingston Guest co-host: Karen Bradshaw
Topic: Questions from Seekers Guest co-host: Karen Bradshaw
Topic: More Discussion of Early Mormon Deceptions Co-host: Earl Erskine
Topic: Viewer Comments on Section 132 Co-host: Earl Erskine
Discussing the book "In Polygamy's Shadow" (with guest co-host Karen Bradshaw)
Temple Sealings, Eternal Marriage and Polygamy (with guest co-host Karen Bradshaw)
Discussion of Doctrine & Covenants 132 (Part 4) with co-host Earl Erskine
Discussion of Doctrine & Covenants 132 (Part 3) with co-host Earl Erskine