It’s a little of everything all in one. Philosophy. Sexuality. Social commentary. Personal journals.
If I was a man, I’d be the man. Work rants and cackling. Advice for men (and women). Some philosophy
Cosplay, E girls and the male gaze. Work and situational awareness. People awareness. Mental health
TW: Uvalde school shooting, suicide, Depp vs Heard trial, domestic violence, some crying. There is g
Billion dollar companies that suck. Game of Thrones. Madness. Anyone secretly in love with you?
Money talk. Recommendations. Rachel Levin & kindness. The Congo!!
Hypocrisy. Possible bc trigger warning for unaliving. Little bit of cry cry. Love & lust.
Men talk and complaining.
I’m real excited about a big box of prepacked food. Car, smoking, drinking & dating talk.
Compassion fatigue. The end is asking wouldnt it be nice to be a fish in an artificial pond in a Chi
Happy Easter! Possible trigger warning? Trust me not trying to trigger. Just talking :) team no slee
Sleepy time thoughts. Non smoking gum chewer.
Kindness is magic.
Autism. Probably. Episode 2 maybe idk
My descriptions are chaos. It’s hard to explain. I’d probably just listen to the best podcast in the
Lol grandma is still amazing. Love her. Love me and love you too.
We’re driving! Sorry if there’s noise BUT IT’S ADVENTURE TIME.
Dedicated to Ariel & my dearest grandma and to anyone who has less than desirable parents :)
Wow we’re on a roll kids. Allegedly I really needed to talk.
It’s scary. There’s crying. I drank & I’m sad lol enjoy :) also I’m hilarious. Season 17 episode 38
Still love my grandma. Still constantly struggling with life but we try to stay optimistic! Try it o