Always biblical, always provocative. Always in that order.
Pastor Mike Abendroth, Luke 7:11-17 Arisen: Both a Prophet and a Dead man
1 Timothy 3:16
 16 Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness:

 Luke Abendroth preaches the BBC Christmas Eve Message (2022)
The world is filled with toil, trouble and trials. Does anyone care? Does God care? Is Jesus compass
Pastor Mike Abendroth, Luke 7:1-10 Heading Jesus' Words
What does it look like to build your life on the words of Jesus? You will like the answer. 
Pastor Steve Cooley, Romans 7:25-8:4 Conscience, Condemnation, and Christ
Pat discusses his new and excellent book about Jesus meriting righteousness on our behalf. You can o
In this episode we are listening in to the fifth session from the 2024 Pactum Conference, God&#
In this live episode, recorded at the 2024 Pactum Conference, Pat and Mike are joined by conference
Carl, who pastors in rural Nebraska, has plenty of law/gospel opportunities. You will be encouraged
Pastor Mike Abendroth, Luke 6:46-49 The Question of all Questions
Tuesday Guy Preaches the 2023 Christmas Eve Service - [Matthew 1:20-23]
Justin pastors a town with a population of 70. Is it worth pouring your life into a small congregati
Ron has lost both his first wife and second wife to cancer. Is God still faithful? How do you proces
Words, words, words. People talk an average of 16,000 words a day. What words are important? Whose w