NIGHTMARE MAGAZINE - Horror and Dark Fantasy Story Podcast (Audiobook | Short Stories)

Edited by Wendy N. Wagner, NIGHTMARE is a critically-acclaimed digital magazine of horror and dark f


Total: 321

This episode features "Touch This Cancer, It Probably Won't Bite" by Josh Pearce (©2025 by Josh Pear

This episode features "sharp house" by Samir Sirk Morató (©2025 by Samir Sirk Morató) read by Stefan

This is episode features "in your mind, they still dance" by Ariya Bandy (©2025 by Ariya Bandy) read

This episode features "The Sound a Rabbit Might Make" by Bruce McAllister (©2025 by Bruce McAllister

This episode features "Annihilation of Red" by Anuel Rodriguez (©2025 by Anuel Rodriguez) read by St

This episode features "They Bought a House" by Osahon Ize-Iyamu (©2025 by Osahon Ize-Iyamu) read by

Introducing: Fear Daily


Hi, listeners! Allow us to introduce you to Fear Daily, the brand new retro horror show that takes y

This episode features "Mnemonic Burning" by Angela Liu (©2024 by Angela Liu), and "Before and After"

This episode features "Wait, Our Lord the Flayed One Comes" by Tania Chen (©2024 by Tania Chen) read

This episode features "A Guide for Your Journey to the Green Hills" by R. K. Duncan (©2024 by R. K.

This episode features "Sumbisori" by Jess Cho (© 2024 by Jess Cho) and "She Sheds Her Skin" by Raven

Something tells you this two-pump station isn’t a contactless kind of place. Google Maps gave up the

This month's Nightmare Short Shots episode features "Possession" by Martins Deep (© 2024 by Martins

This whole business, it all started right about when I burned my church down. | © 2024 by Gemma File

My mother sits at the kitchen table in the moonlight, gazing at her folded hands. “Has your father r

This month's Nightmare Short Shots episode features "I Am One of Bluebeard's Dead Wives" by Bella D.

On an unmarked road somewhere in the Appalachians, a midnight blue Cadillac rolled to a stop, gravel

We hear you laughing as you speed by on the interstate. In spite of what you might think of us, we a

This month's Nightmare Short Shots episode features "Painted Surfaces" by Guan Un (© 2024 by Guan Un

Erin Brown | Butter


Nine years, fifty-two days, seven hours until hyadeic convergence. Kayla watched the hot, empty cake