Two siblings explore how ancient myths become modern pop culture while reading Rick Riordan's "Percy
We're off for a while, so we're unlocking some favorites from the Patreon! Here's som
“Odin is a Horse Girl, confirmed.”It’s episode 100!!! Tim (he/him) and AJ (he/they) from The Standby
“I cast fall into an open chasm!”Robert from TheDamMemePage is Finally!! One silly lil guy here to t
“I cast fall into an open chasm!”Robert (they/them) from TheDamMemePage is Finally!! One silly lil g
"The fact that Thor didn't solve this problem by hitting him with Mjolnir is shocking.&quo
“This hand is mine now.”It's time to tackle the original Big, Bad Wolf, Fenrir!Other topics inc
Is A Christmas Carol still the best Christmas tale ever told? Yes, and we will continue to not take
“Were the Norse a fatalistic people?”Is this episode Fates 2.0? Not exactly…Other topics include the
“There’s always a prose section in these poems.”We’ve come full circle to the topic that almost brok
“Hymir, Gam Gam’s not doing so hot.”Did you know the Bifrost is ON FIRE? We certainly didn’t. Other
“That’s quite the glow up.”It’s a brand new guest! Elliot (any) from The Demigod Pod joins the show
To celebrate Wrath of the Triple Goddess releasing (and because Darien was on vacation this past wee
“That’s some Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote sh*t.” DJ (he/him) takes over the episode, guiding Darien
“I would die for these ducks.”Queer author of queer stories Fran McMahon (they/them) returns to the
It's the very first live episode of Muses of Mythology!Recorded at Boise Comic Arts Festival on
“You know what she could have been? A goddamn valkyrie!”Special guest Kelsey Dody “escapes” from Bun
“We can’t use this kind of metal in our weapons!”Even the Norse scholars accuse Snorri of making thi
“He’s just Father from Codename: Kids Next Door!” Darien (she/her) and DJ (he/him) present the perfe
“Loki is—I’m assuming—an insecure, jealous dick.” This week, Darien (she/her) and DJ (he/him) discus
“Snorri’s out here gatekeeping the real Norse mythology.” Time to take a journey to Hel, which isn&a