美恩中英双语频道 | 美恩读书 | Reading with Alena from Singapore

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Total: 62

小朋友们,阿明的故事你们喜欢听么? 欢迎大家推荐你们喜欢的读物!

要考试了, 老师时题目十分简单. 但是做完试卷, 同学们都快哭了. 老师的话到底什么意思呢? 我们来

小伙伴们, 大家周末过得好么?这次美恩朗读张秋生先生的作品, 希望大家喜欢 🤗

你们喜欢吃粥么? 我最喜欢的是八宝粥 😋

Hello and welcome, everyone! As we approach the en

Hi there! School holidays officially start! Enjoy

Hello Everyone! How are you? 😊 I hope you will en

Hello everyone! Welcome to the 'I am Unique&#3

hi 大家好! 希望你喜欢本期欢乐伙伴课文阅读 :)


hi my friend hope you enjoy this new episode thank

Hello everyone! Today let's embark on a journey through the transformative world of poetry. Po

Hello everyone! Hope you like the first episode of

Hey there! 🥰 Excited for the upcoming year? I su

English reading | Science fact | How do we use light? Book written by Emily Raij. Hope you like it!

Hello everyone! 😃 Welcome to today's episode, where curiosity meets knowledge. I'm Alena,

Hello Everyone, do you like the story from our tex

诗朗诵|On Children


hi Good morning from Singapore!

《当你老了》 诗人 叶慈

Hi there! Let me know if you enjoy the story.