Me just talking to myself.

I try and record when I am barely awake, I find that if I just talk about what comes to me naturally


Total: 11

Good Morning World


An early morning chat with myself. To be in a minority of one doesn't make you mad.

Woke up a bit. I do it everyday. No Big Deal. Happy Mondays.

I'm back for a bit.


I don't know why I do but I do....

I think there is a magical quality in all real art and music. Please, if you enjoyed this go check o

The Birthday Bubble.


I talked about stuff I'm seeing and doing.

dream interpretation? random messages?

another stream of words that fell from my mind.

nuffin' new, just me shooting my mouth off.

The meanderings of my reality v others.

chatting to myself, maybe I will listen.

where are we?