Should I be doing my own bookkeeping and accounting? Is QuickBooks the best software for me to use
We all know it is healthy to set boundaries in our lives, but have you ever wondered if you were tru
As a business owner, you’ve more than likely heard about how important it is to review your financia
Is your goal to create more happiness in your life? So many of us are on the search for happiness t
When you are doing the bookkeeping for your business, or maybe you are doing bookkeeping for multipl
We live in a world with more distractions than ever before. We have our phones with us almost 24/7,
Have you ever felt uncertain about something in your business or personal life? Self-doubt can cree
Have you ever noticed in your life that when you’ve reached a certain level of success, you are inst
When you have a business, you need to make sure that you have a clear direction, you are reaching yo
When you look at all the emotions or feelings that a person can have, it is amazing. You might be t
Making the switch from an employee to an entrepreneur requires many changes, not only with your new
It's pretty normal to feel nervous when you are trying something new. These feelings often pop up w
With the start of the new year, do you feel discouraged when you look at your sales figures for the
How have you been valuing your self-worth? How do you see yourself? Do you even really know what i
Choosing your word of the year…many people do this for themselves personally, and it works. It keep
Do you ever find yourself experiencing drama? It could be within your family or friends, or possibl
When you think about a side hustle, do you think about young entrepreneurs with lots of energy who a
How much time do you spend thinking about what other people are thinking, specifically what you thin
If you have a business or do bookkeeping for business owners, you know now is the time you need to w
Do you know who your true self is? Do you ever think you’ll become who you really are when you reac
There is a lot of talk about belief this time of the year, but I feel like belief is such a vital pa