An enhanced LOST fan podcast from The Island. Ryan and Jen in Hawaii discuss the latest episode of L
It was a year ago that "LOST" left the airwaves. Though it clearly took us far too long to say goodb
The Transmission: For the third year in a row, we joined Jay & Jack on their “LOST Podcasting” panel
The Transmission: Before the final curtain falls on “The Transmission,” we’re making a last-minute p
The Transmission: We take our traditional look back at the season as a whole. We review our favorite
The Transmission: After spending a week rewatching and rethinking “The End,” we revisit the series f
The Transmission: The end of “LOST.” Six seasons, over 120 hours, culminating in the two-and-a-half
The Transmission: “While Locke devises a new strategy, Jack’s group searches for Desmond.” For this
The Transmission: This edition of “The Transmission” tackes “Across the Sea,” the controversial fift
The Transmission: After a week off, this edition of "The Transmission" covers "The Candidate," the u
The Transmission: This edition of “The Transmission” covers “The Last Recruit,” the thirteenth episo
The Transmission: This edition of "The Transmission" covers "Everybody Loves Hugo," the twelfth epis
The Transmission: This edition of “The Transmission” covers “Happily Ever After,” the eleventh episo
The Transmission: This edition of “The Transmission” covers “The Package,” the tenth episode of Seas
The Transmission: This edition of “The Transmission” covers “Ab Aeterno,” the ninth episode of Seaso
The Transmission: This edition of "The Transmission" covers "Recon," the eighth hour and midpoint of
The Transmission: “Ben deals with the consequences of an uncovered lie.” Instead of our regular blog
“Sayid is faced with a difficult decision, and Claire sends a warning to the temple inhabitants.” In
This edition of “The Transmission” covers “Lighthouse,” the fifth hour of Season 6 (and the 108th ep
The Transmission: This edition of “The Transmission” covers “The Substitute,” the fourth hour of Sea
The Transmission: This edition of “The Transmission” covers “What Kate Does,” the third hour of Seas