Local Legends with Lark Farlee covers news stories from my small hometown, Brown County Indiana. We'
In today's episode we will be covering the events that lead up to the disappearance of Lauren S
Today's episode is another fun ghost story covering the legend of the headless ghost of the cov
Happy October everyone! We made it to the best month of the year. Today's story is a mysterious
Happy July-oween! In honor of being one month closer to Halloween we'll be covering another spo
Today's episode we will be covering the time a Brown County resident was a little too welcoming
Today's episode is a rough one. We will be covering the case of a mother who brutally killed he
Like the title states today's episode we will be covering the time a ghost wrecked havoc on a s
In today's episode, we will be covering the 1962 murder of a local father of 6 by Willie Ruth w
In today's episode, we will cover the local legend of Madame Signa. We will be diving into the
What better way to round out the spookiest month of the year than by talking about witches? We&apos
Today's episode will be covering the tales of bears in Brown County. Like everything that happe
Today's episode will cover the mysterious disappearance of Randall "Randy" White. The
In today's episode, we will cover the recent case of a child being hit by their own school bus.
Today's episode came highly requested, which is the murder of Hannah Wilson. Hannah was a stude
Today's episode will cover the attempted murder of two women in Brown County. We will cover the
Was it a local legend in itself? Or was there some truth behind the tales I heard of a nomadic group
In today's episode, we will cover the child solicitation sting operation in Brown County, and n
In today's episode, we will cover a more recent case of arson in Brown County, the investigatio
Today's story is a new case of animal cruelty in Brown County. Unlike the previous ones we&apos
Today's episode is the last one for 2022! We will be covering the local legend that is the Ston