Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram Daily Podcast

Discovering the Bible's answers is the focus of Living on the Edge, the broadcast ministry of Chip I


Total: 239

God is good! But life is hard, isn’t it? Let’s be honest. Sometimes life is just plain difficult.

Do you find it hard to not make judgments about people based on their clothes, or hair, or the car t

Have you ever wished that someone would look behind the smile, the makeup, and the clothes, to see w

Do you long to be connected to other people? Do you find yourself getting close but then you don’t

Do you long to be loved - to have a group of people that cares deeply for you? Chip shares how to c

Chip continues his message on how to develop authentic relationships.Main Points Why are there so ma

Are you lonely? Do you go places, perhaps even church, and feel like you just don’t fit in? In thi

There’s one thing that Jesus told us we could do to let the whole world know we belong to Him. Chip

What is it, exactly, that Jesus really wants from you? Join Chip as he begins this series with the

Do you feel unlovable because of past mistakes? You are not alone—many grapple with crippling guilt

Watching someone you care about turn away from their faith can be truly heartbreaking. But there is

Throughout the New Testament, we witness the incredible miracles Jesus and the Apostles performed. B

Imagine you are going about your day when suddenly, your phone rings. It is your doctor, and the new

Our society is facing a severe mental health crisis, with anxiety, depression, and suicide all at al

Does God still perform miraculous healing today? Or did that only happen while Jesus was on Earth or

When you feel dismissed, neglected, or insulted by your spouse, what do you do? Pout? Go silent? Ret

We all carry around emotional wounds. Whether it was something someone said or did, those scars stic

Here’s a fact: you will never have a marriage that God wants for you if you are not deeply connected

Have you ever held those big ropes boats use to tie onto docks or lower anchors? They’re big and hea

Do you love how God made you? Or are you overly critical and harsh with yourself? Often feeling like