FOX News Sunday Anchor and Chief Legal Correspondent, Shannon Bream shares inspirational stories, pe
How would the world be changed if all the global Churches gathered together? Today's guest dared to
Award-winning musical artists Rebecca St. James and Cubbie Fink detail how love, pain, and faith hav
Amid the many confirmation hearings taking place on Capitol Hill this week, SenatorEric Schmitt (R-M
How does Satan work to isolate us from God and damage our faith? Best-selling author Pastor Jonathan
When we put too much time into trying to please others, it's easy to lose sight of our own true purp
How have archeological discoveries over the years brought Scripture to life? Chief Curatorial Office
How can we get to Heaven? And if we do, what will the eternal afterlife be like? Author, Bible teach
As we prepare our resolutions for the new year, Shannon revisits her conversation with author and Pa
How can Christians make their homes a place that reflects their faith? Author and Founder of Every W
Students are finding their faith on college campuses all across the country.Founder and visionary of
It's easy to get caught up in the business of life - but it's important to remember that throughout
Worship Leader Jasmine Christmas Brady and her mother, Pastor Candy Hemphill Christmas join to discu
How can you rebuild trust that keeps getting broken? Best-selling author and President of Proverbs 3
Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) joins Shannon to share her life story and the importance of overcoming ad
While the 2024 election season has come to a close, the holiday season is fast approaching. As peopl
Today's guest reminds us that gratitude can be found in any moment. While election season is upon u
While empathy is key to having a compassionate society, it's alsosomething that can be easily exploi
It's never too early to talk about Christmas! Christian singer-songwriter Matthew West joins Shannon
Shannon is joined by Navy SEAL veteran and best-selling author Jack Carr for a look back at the 1983
The first Monday of October marks the start of a new term in the Supreme Court. Asthe Justices prepa