The LISK (Long Island Serial Killer) investigation began in May 2010 with the disappearance of sex w
On June 6th, the Suffolk County District Attorney announced that DNA tied alleged murderer, Rex Heue
The Suffolk County District Attorney's office recently announced that DNA-based evidence ties Rex He
The fourth body discovered during the Suffolk County's search for Shannan Gilbert was that of Amber
Revisit the stories of Maureen Brainard-Barnes and Megan Waterman. According to the Suffolk County D
In an attempt to avoid speculation while Rex Heuermann sits in the Suffolk County correctional facil
(Part 2) Revisit the disappearance and subsequent search for Shannan Gilbert that would eventually l
(Part 1) Revisit the disappearance and subsequent search for Shannan Gilbert that would eventually l
Check out an episode of the podcast "What Was That Like". Hosted by Chris Johnson, each episode feat
When alleged Gilgo 4 Killer, Rex Heuermann, recently appeared at a pretrial hearing, his wife, Asa E
A Long Island press conference on October 18th featured lawyer, John Ray, and Suffolk County Police
Tristan Redman is a journalist who doesn’t believe in ghosts. But weird things happened in his teena
Suffolk County Police Commissioner, Rodney Harrison, was responsible for the creation of the Gilgo B
On September 27th, the alleged Gilgo 4 Killer, Rex Heuermann, appeared at a pretrial hearing at the
Continuing the conversation with forensic psychologists Dr Shiloh and Dr Scott, the hosts of the "LA
With alleged Gilgo 4 killer, Rex Heuermann, due back in court on September 27th, the hosts of the tr
For fifteen years you could call a private number in Manhattan and anonymously apologize for anythin
When Rex Heuermann was arrested in connection with the Gilgo 4 murders, Suffolk County Law Enforceme
The conversation continues between journalist Mary Murphy and host, Chris Mass, about what she's see
Mary Murphy is one of the New York area's most seasoned reporters and has followed the LISK case sin
In 2017, Julia Ann Bean disappeared from Sumter County, South Carolina, and was never seen again. Af