We've been looking at what Plato's allegory means. But what happens when we examine what it does? We'll discuss political scientist Mark Reinhardt's article "The Cave of Images: Understanding Visual Politics in and through Plato’s *Republic" *)and what we can learn from it for the visual in contemporary politics, such as images of racism and violence. The article appears in the April issue of Theory & Event.
What's YOUR interpretation of Plato's allegory? I would love to hear! Leave me a voicemail). It's really easy. You click the record button, speak, and hit send. I might play your message in a future episode and respond.
Professor Mark Reinhardt) teaches in both Political Science and American Studies. His teaching interests range from ancient to contemporary political theory, as well as problems of democracy, public space, cultural analysis, race and slavery, and visual politics. His current research is shaped by a commitment to showing how political theory and political science can engage more fully with the visual domain. Among the areas of particular interest are the ethics and politics of images and the place of visuality within the history of political thought (ancient and modern); a related strand of work concerns the relations between politics and aesthetics.
This is an independent educational podcast and I appreciate any support you can give me me on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/lifefromplatoscave)) or in other ways.
Reinhardt, Mark. "The Cave of Images: Understanding Visual Politics in and Through Plato's Republic." Theory & Event, vol. 25 no. 2, 2022, p. 238-274. Project MUSE muse.jhu.edu/article/852385).
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Illustration © by Julien Penning, Light One Art: https://www.instagram.com/light_one_art/)