Interviews with world-class product leaders and growth experts to uncover concrete, actionable, and
Uri Levine is a co-founder of Waze (which was acquired by Google for $1.3 billion in 2013), along wi
Karina Nguyen leads research at OpenAI, where she’s been pivotal in developing groundbreaking produc
Tobi Lütke is the founder and CEO of Shopify, a $130 billion business that powers over 10% of all U.
Nan Yu is the head of product at Linear, one of the most beloved and fastest-growing B2B SaaS produc
Chandra Janakiraman is the chief product officer, executive vice president, and a board member at VR
Elena Verna is one of Silicon Valley’s most sought-after growth advisors and operators. She previous
Graham Weaver teaches a top-rated course at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business (GSB), where he o
Rohini Pandhi is a product leader at Mercury, and previously spent over seven years at Square/Block
Drew Houston is the co-founder and CEO of Dropbox. Under his leadership, Dropbox has grown from a si
Alisa Cohn is an executive coach who has worked with C-suite executives at startups like Venmo, Etsy
Eilon Reshef is the co-founder and chief product officer at Gong, one of the most ubiquitous B2B pro
Shaun Clowes is the chief product officer at Confluent and former CPO at Salesforce’s MuleSoft and a
Marc Benioff is the co-founder and CEO of Salesforce, the second-largest software company in the wor
Farhan Thawar is the head of engineering at Shopify, where he oversees more than 1,000 engineers and
Jackson Shuttleworth is a Group PM at Duolingo, where he leads the retention team and the powerful s
Seth Godin is a legend. He’s a marketer, teacher, entrepreneur, and author of more than 20 books, in
Jonathan Lowenhar is the co-founder of Enjoy The Work, an executive coaching firm that helps founder
Michael Margolis has been a UX research partner at Google Ventures (GV) for nearly 15 years. He has
Jen Abel is the co-founder of JJELLYFISH, where she and her team have worked with over 300 early-sta
Amjad Masad is the co-founder and CEO of Replit, a browser-based coding environment that allows anyo