This 'podclass' is a series of discussions with the world's best investors, company builders, academ
Today’s teacher is Jacqueline Morby. She may well be the greatest investor you've probably never hea
This is Rick. Today's teacher is Rich Wells, managing director of Insight Partners, which celebrates
Before we turn the page on 2024, we wanted to shine one more light on the man behind our most popula
In honor of Notre Dame clinching a playoff spot, we're replaying our conversation from earlier this
Today’s teacher is renowned historian Patrick Griffin. Patrick is the former chair of the Department
Today's teacher is Rich Wong, general partner at renowned venture firm Accel. Rich is a very special
Today's teacher is Ravi Gupta, a partner at renowned venture firm Sequoia Capital. Ravi has had a fa
We are back with a summer special and to celebrate, we have a cast of teachers joining us. In this e
Today we are replaying our classroom session with Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal, founders of Acqui
Today, we are replaying our conversation with Ho Nam, co-founder of Altos Ventures. As the numbers
Today, we are revisiting our class with David Senra in honor of our upcoming event together. David i
Today’s teacher is Marcus Freeman, Head Football Coach at the University of Notre Dame. We discuss t
Today’s teacher is Mitch Rales, one of the most iconic business builders and philanthropists of our
Today’s teachers are Drue Tranquill and Joe Schmidt, two of our very best former students. You'll he