Did you know a new dinosaur is discovered almost every week? Keep up with the latest dinosaur d
Zofia led several expeditions to Mongolia where her team discovered hundreds of mammals and dinosaur
The "thunder lizard" may be the most well-known sauropod. It has been regularly featured in movies f
Dean Lomax joins to discuss Ichthyotitan, the largest known reptile of all time which he recently de
The current evidence for dinosaur mating displays, reproduction, walking, and running. Featuring chi
A huge year for stegosaurs and theropods!For links to every news story, all of the details we shared
We share all our thoughts on the most surprising and interesting parts of David Hone's new book: Unc
From digging up dinosaur bones to preparing fossils, Kelsie Abrams is involved with fossils from the
David Moscato and Will Harris invited us to join them on the Common Descent podcast earlier this yea
Velociraptor (and Oviraptor & Saurornithoides) were named exactly 100 years ago to the day! We'r
Plus a new sauropod with a tail club, a potentially new Spinosaurus species, and several more new di
Lindsay Graham from History Daily explores the human side of two topics we often discuss on the show
This episode is all about answering listener questions! Ranges from did non-avian dinosaurs live pas
The stegosaur Angustungui has claws similar to Scelidosaurus despite being over 30 million years mor
The new silesaur Gondwanax was named from Southern Brazil and may show a transition between silesaur
Spinosaurids had powerful enough jaws and teeth to go after large prey, just not sharp enough to tak
Juvenile Daspletosaurus skull bones; Modern birds have high Encephalization Quotients from their non
The sauropodomorph Lufengosaurus appears to have fed its young. Plus two new dinosaurs, a ceratopsia
Edward Dolnick joins to discuss how scientists and the general public viewed dinosaurs in the early
Alpkarakush kyrgyzicus was just named from Kyrgyzstan, plus a new abelisaurid from France, and a Tri
Susan Butts joins us to explain all the changes and upgrades at the newly renovated Yale Peabody Mus