The Bachelor's Ashley and Lauren Iaconetti and reality TV producer Naz Perez don't get a lot about t
Ashley, Lauren, and Naz are back with a listener voicemail episode. You called in with your ultimate
This week, Ashley and Naz kick things off with a voicemail from a listener sharing a movie pet peeve
The Oscars? Yeah, we chat about it, but things take a fun turn when Ashley poses this question: If y
Ashley, Lauren and Naz kick this one off with one of your voicemails that sparked some big discussio
Ashley, Lauren, and Naz are back with another Ramble, covering everything from cooking for a crush t
This week, we’re diving into the kind of stories that make you believe in the universe. You guys cal
This week, Naz shares a story involving an unexpected text from someone from her past. Then it’s ful
This week on I Don't Get It, it’s a classic ramble! Ashley, Lauren, and Naz dive into tracking menst
This week, Hayden crashes the podcast in a Burberry outfit, sparking a real motherhood-focused rambl
This week on I Don’t Get It, Naz checks in from LA to share what it’s been like living through the w
Ashley, Lauren, and Naz are back with a jam-packed ramble covering everything from awards season gla
Happy New Year! We’re back, and of course, we start by spending an absurd amount of time talking abo
It’s our last episode before the holidays, and we’re going out with an end of year Ramble! Lauren ha
It’s a post-holiday ramble! Ashley catches us up on some painfully cute Dawson developments. Naz rem
Mercury is retrograde, and Naz has the craziest travel story to prove it! Wait ‘til you hear this on
Ashley, Lauren, and Naz are diving into a big pop culture roundup this week! They share their though
First thing you need to know, this episode is quite unsafe for work. Ashley, Lauren, and Naz are ram
In this week's episode, we continue the conversation with our amazing listeners for round two of our
Happy 400th episode! This week, we're celebrating by doing what we do best, rambling. We dive into w
It’s a full-on ramble with Lauren, Naz, and Ashley who cover it all, from water fasts and colonic cl