I Am All In with Scott Patterson

Twenty years ago, you met Luke Danes...backward cap, plaid flannel, pouring the coffee. For the VERY


Total: 586

Sebastian Bach is spilling the TEA! What major star ditched an A-List heartthrob for the rocker? A r

A lot is happening at 6am! Suzanne and Tara wonder about the timing of Rory’s early morning. I

You might know Jason Earles from Hannah Montana, but did you ALSO know he was an extra on Gilmore Gi

A special birthday message to our favorite fast talking, coffee loving, Gilmore Girl Lauren Graham!

After 15 episodes, the series has become so good, and we are bummed to see it end soon! Which two Gi

You know her from Top Chef and The Chew, Carla Hall takes a seat at Luke’s Diner!You’ve

Wax On, Wax Off! That’s what Rory said to Lane after a defense of Jackson Browne in S3E3 &ldqu

Lauren Graham just spilled some major news — could another revival be on the way?? Did she let

What did Suzanne notice about Stars Hollow that can later be proven in later seasons?Tell us if you

From The Bachelor, Caelynn Bell, joins Scott to recap episode 16!As a super fan, she is shocked to h

Who’s the better Foster?  Sutton’s real life brother, Hunter, joins the cast as Sco

This is happiness. BUSH’s very own Gavin Rossdale takes a seat right at the counter of Luke&rs

So we know a guy that knows a guy whose mother’s brother’s nephew heard about some pop c

Happy Birthday Kelly Bishop!  On the other hand, we are unhappy about a certain Gilmore headlin

A catastrophe is waiting to happen when Christopher returns to Stars Hollow.  Raise your hand i

“You’re supposed to speak through your music!”The one and only Stars Hollow town t

Although the show is firing on all cylinders, we could use more dancing in this episode.  &nbsp

Who says healthy food can’t be tasty? Not this week’s Luke’s Diner guest, celebrit

Gilmore Girls loves to reference iconic TV shows, but one rises to the top!  It is the most ref

We’re your one and only source of into the headline making Gilmore Girls elite. A Gilmore guy