History of the Second World War

History of the Second World War is a weekly podcast which will cover World War 2, beginning with the


Total: 277

Those plucky Brits were doing Plucky Brit things, while also being stretched to the limit because wh

Back again with another Summary episode, this time to discuss the evolution of Airpower during the i

This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. War clouds on th

This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. Naval aviation w

Intelligent Speech 2025


Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspee

This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. Time to build ne

This week I was joined by Jack Browsher to discuss a new World War 2 Podcast The Forgotten War, whic

This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. The treaties tha

This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. What were some o

This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. The story of the

In early 1942 the new Vichy French government would bring charges against 6 men in the effort to det

France was defeated. Why? Who? How?Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in Feb

With the fall of the Reynaud government, Petain rapidly moved into armistice negotiations with Germa

While their other operations get most of the publicity, throughout the entire war the RAF was consta

The French had this cool thing called the Maginot Line, what has been happening there?Come check out

Pick up a copy of The Price of Victory from Pen and Sword: https://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/The-Price

After the fall of Paris things continued to just as poorly as they did before. Come check out my key

Paris Falls. General Brooke realizes that the British are no longer capable of helping the French.Co

After the beginning of Case Red, the overall situation for the French would quickly begin to fall ap

Stage one of the German invasion had went so well, so now it was time for stage two.Come check out m