Since 2013 the Endurance podcast focuses on the amazing sport of endurance riding. Hosted by a lege
Joanna Ziettero joins us to talk about the joys of packing up at the end of a show. Erin Grogan spe
We caught up with Vera Kalila in between her rescuing horses from the California Wildfires. Sh
Lynn Beazley joins us to tell us how recovering from an injury as a horseback rider over 60 is both
Ashley Wingert tells us all about her adventure riding in the Tom Quilty Gold Cup, Australia's premi
Revisit: Today we look back at some great tips we got over the years. First, Victoria Beelik
We start the show with Poop Week, by Poseidon Animal Health, and a discussion on the importance of D
Tevis winner Jeanette 'Jay' Mero joins us to discuss her amazing win in blazing hot conditions and s
Judy Hayamizu shares the harrowing story of her horse Sparky's week long walk about in the Californi
Revisit: Michelle and her daughter Scout share how they are living full time on the road with
We chat about the ups and downs of getting young or inexperienced horses out and about, the AERC Gre
Jeannie Waldron, DVM talks about conditioning a horse that is new to endurance to set them up for su
We are joined by Melissa Montgomery for a chat about horseback riding in Africa and her recent win a
Dr. Susan Garlinghouse joins us to talk about preventing and dealing with arthritis in horses.
2023 AERC winners of the Bob and Julie Suhr Husband and Wife Award with 2170 miles Alanna and Gunnar
Karen talks about the importance of knowing your horses vital signs and Laura Worden is an endurance
It's all virtual today when Abigail Madden tells us about Virtual Tevis for 2024 and Christina Hyke
We learn about teaching horses to wear a neck collar. Former US Army Ranger Reid Albano shares his
In this all Tevis review episode we are joined by Tevis winner Jeremy Reynolds, as he explains
We learn about the sport of Trail Trials, chat with Berit Myer about completing at least one 50 mile