Deepen your language skills and knowledge of the French-speaking world through fascinating true stor
To celebrate France’s love of culture, we’re revisiting some of our favorite episodes featuring fran
On June 21, 1981, the French government invented a new holiday. Ever since then, every summer solsti
The Duolingo French Podcast is back for a special season celebrating the arts in France and around t
Josephine embarks on perilous spy missions…and her wartime service brings her face to face with the
With France under German occupation, Josephine takes refuge at her sanctuary, Les Milandes. Until th
With war declared in France, Josephine braces for the conflict and wonders how she can help…until a
Josephine puts down roots in her beloved France while trying to find her place as an artist as the w
Josephine becomes an international sensation and adopts France as her home. But in neighboring Germa
19-year-old Josephine Baker leaves her life in the U.S. behind and arrives in Paris to try her luck
The Duolingo French Podcast returns with a thrilling new season! Discover the untold story of 1920s
In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re revisiting a story by Virginie Dhorne – a French cheesemong
In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re revisiting a story by Loune Viaud, a public health expert f
In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re revising a story by Matina Razafimahefa, a university stude
In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re revisiting a story by Valérie Desroches, a karate student f