A podcast about developer tools and the people who make them. Join us as we embark on a journey to e
This week we're talking to Rudy Fraser, the developer behind BlackSky, a community he carved out of
This week we're talking to Matt Perry, a creator of Framer Motion. Matt is a software engineer at Fr
This week we talk to Anselm Eickhoff, a creator of Jazz Tools. Jazz is a reimagining of what the cli
This week we talk to Dan Stepanov, a maintainer of NativeWind, the author of NativeWind UI. NativeWi
This week Evan You joins us again to talk about his new company, VoidZero, and the future of JavaScr
This week Nate Wienert stop by for a second appearance. Nate is the creator of Tamagui, a framework
Do you use cloud development environments? Do you use dev containers? This week we talk to Ivan Bura
This week we have the unique opportunity to talk to Erez Zukerman, the founder and CEO of ZSA, a com
This week we got the opportunity to talk to Kris Rasmussen, the CTO of Figma. We talked about Figma'
This week we have Nathan Manceaux-Panot, the creator of Retcon, a git client. Retcon is a git client
Join us as we talk to Guido Rosso, a co-founder of Rive a new graphics format made for interactive m
This week we have David Mytton, a co-founder of console.dev, and a co-founder of ArcJet. At console.
This week we have Predrag Gruevski to discuss TrustFall, a new query-based tool for querying anythin
This week we talk to Travis Arnold, a developer who is working on a new tool to make managing typesc
This week we're joined by Jordan Harband, a pillar of the npm ecosystem. Jordan maintains a stag
On this week's episode, we're excited to have Brandon Roberts on the show. Brandon is a soft
This week we're joined by Richard Feldman, the author of Roc lang, a futuristic functional progr
This week we're delighted to have Nicholas Zakas on the show to talk about ESLint. ESLint is a t
This week we're joined by Nathan Walker and Eduardo Speroni, two members of the NativeScript tea
This week we have Robby Russell, the creator of Oh My ZSH, and CEO of Planet Argon. We talk about th