Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane and the team help you stay up to date with independent, authoritative a
Arm plans to make its own chips this summer and Tom explains why that’s such a big change. Plus TikT
Amazon has a beta shopping feature that includes sales on brand websites, and Mitzula ate at t
Plus, Apple wants to improve your health and cut down on the number of Apple accounts you have. And
The AI Action Summit wraps up in Paris, NotebookLM Plus gets a wider release, and Tim Stevens and Ro
President Macros promotes it with deepfakes and huge spending on Data Centers. Plus why the US doesn
Huawei sees its fastest growth in four years, the ASUS Zenfone 12 Ultra is here, and cheese gets Goo
Starring Jason Howell and Shannon Morse.Show notes can be found here
And actual tech news like a bad Zyxel router vulnerability, Amazon may finally improve its voice ass
Apple takes on Evite with Invites, and Kenneth Kohlmann talks about a modular landscaping robot call
Gary Shapiro tells us when failure is good, and OpenAI launches an agent with the same name as Googl
We also talk to Gary Shapiro about what it takes to put on CES and why it’s been so enduring.Starrin
New Intel Lunar Lake Surface laptops, plus a look at how tariffs could impact tech in the US.Starrin
A chip vulnerability in Apple Silicon isn’t great, plus why OpenAI’s concern about DeepSeek is hilar
Plus, Andrew Mayne goes deep on the DeepSeek hype.Starring Jason Howell and Tom Merritt.Link to the
Plus, the story behind YouTube’s hour-long unskippable ads.Starring Tom Merritt and Robb Dunewood.Sh
Plus, OpenAI gets into the agent game, and how India is stepping up its manufacturing game, but CHin
How Android XR could benefit from HTC brain drain, a risky Cloudflare CDN security flaw, Instagram t
There was a cliffhanger ending to Samsung’s announcement, plus Google dominates education tech and M
Why companies may be risking fines in the US, should your mobile OS restrict SIM card info and Reed