‘Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark’ is a health and wellness podcast where each guest provides thei
It’s Valentine’s Day, so let’s talk about matters of the heart—literally. Dr. Stephen Hussey, a chir
Your kids know the Bible, but what happens when they start hearing claims that Jesus never existed o
Dr. Charlie Fagenholz, DC, co-host of Red Pill Your Healthcast, is a holistic physician specializing
On August 6, 2003, Kim Witczak’s life was shattered when her husband, Woody, died unexpectedly at ju
She’s the reason you don’t have to wear a mask on an airplane anymore. This bonus episode with Healt
She’s a real mom living in the woods and raising her kids! After moving into an abandoned Boy Scout
Sleeping with jaguars, overcoming chronic illness like dysautonomia, and hacks for optimal hormone h
If you're fascinated by alternative forms of childhood education, you will love this interview with
Controversial episode alert! Could oxalates lurking in a healthy, plant-heavy diet make chronic heal
After discovering that their child has a life-altering sensitivity to synthetic dyes, parents and fi
She’s been one of our most requested guests - Nurse Kate Johnson is on to talk about waking up to co
4th generation farmer Will Harris owns White Oak Pastures, an organic regenerative farm in Georgia.
Hollywood's favorite functional and integrative doctor, and host of The Art of Being Well, Dr. Will
What is your tongue saying? Dr. Josh Axe is a functional medicine physician, a New York Times best-s
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy is the world-renowned Medical Director and founder of the Center For New Med
If you’ve seen the movie The Impossible, get ready for an unforgettable interview with Riley Kehoe,
This episode is all about autism + a few other integrative pediatrician questions. Do we see it in t
Orange County pediatrician, Dr. Bob Sears, is known for giving parents the FULL picture of the child