The original true crime review podcast that looks at other podcasts, TV, and pop culture. True crime
In 2003, Northern Irish journalists outed Freddie Scappaticci as one of Britain's most notorious dou
In 1995, when a woman’s body was discovered in a Dayton, Ohio park, Kari thought her boyfriend Mick
Myka and James Stauffer built a popular and profitable YouTube channel featuring hundreds of videos
In 2015, after being given a date rape drug, Isabel Eriksson awoke in a locked bunker in Sweeden, he
On a cold North Dakota night in February 1999, Robbie Rahrich’s friends and fiancée waited for him t
In the 1940s and 50s, Dr. John Bodkin Adams grew a large practice in East Sussex caring for the elde
In 1979, a teenage girl drowned while vacationing in Hawai’i. Months later, her distraught mother dr
After ratting out John Gotti and leaving witness protection, Sammy “The Bull” Gravano joins his adul
Audiences were charmed by “Free Willy,” the 1993 movie about a captive orca returning to the wild. B
The Garvey sisters gather to celebrate Grace’s wedding to Ian, a man far more loving than her dead f
Jared Akron seemed to be living the perfect life: a newlywed with a new house and twins on the way.
After she quits Scotland Yard, detective Millie Black takes a post in her native Jamaica to confront
There was something for everyone on the TV in 2024. We saw documentaries that revealed intimate aspe
2024 was an exceptionally strong year for podcasts. There were multiple investigative series, fascin
Sap farmer Ruth Landry is deeply in debt and faces losing her property to the Quebec Maple Associati
By day, Kevin Curtis was a janitor at a Mississippi hospital. By night, he was an Elvis impersonator
In 1974, Karen Silkwood wanted to blow the whistle on the nuclear fuel plant she worked at. Armed wi
Thirty years after his involvement in the shooting of a cop, Todd Scott prepares for his sixth parol
Her mother’s dying wish was that her daughter complete her memoir about her childhood in Nazi German
San Diego’s McKamey Manor drew fame as a boundary breaking, interactive haunted house - not one fill