cover of episode MURDERED: Nathaniel Jones

MURDERED: Nathaniel Jones

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Delia D'Ambra
Ashly作为犯罪播客主持人,对案件的官方结论提出质疑,认为正义并未完全得到伸张。她介绍了调查记者Delia D'Ambra对该案的深入调查,并预告了案件的复杂性和多重视角。Delia D'Ambra以自身经历开篇,引出对暴力犯罪及其影响的思考,并详细讲述了Nathaniel Jones案的经过,包括案发经过、目击证词、警方调查等。她还分析了案件中的一些疑点,例如凶手如何接近受害者而不被发现,以及案件中一些关键人物的证词。Delia D'Ambra的叙述客观地呈现了案件的诸多细节,并留下悬念,为后续情节发展埋下伏笔。 Calvin Scriven作为发现受害者尸体的目击者,提供了案发当晚的一些关键信息,例如他与朋友在案发现场附近,以及他看到嫌疑人离开的经过。他的证词为警方提供了重要的线索,帮助警方缩小了嫌疑人的范围。 Tosh Coleman作为另一位目击者,她的证词与Calvin Scriven的证词基本一致,进一步印证了案发当晚的一些关键细节。 Claude Walker作为与受害者约好进行房屋粉刷工作的画家,他的证词提供了受害者案发前活动的重要信息,以及他与受害者最后一次联系的时间。 Brian Lenny作为案发地附近居民,他的证词补充了案发当晚的一些情况,为警方提供了额外的线索。 Terrence Jones作为受害者的侄子,他的证词提供了受害者案发前活动的重要信息,包括他们一起购物以及受害者回家时间等。 Charles Paul作为受害者女婿,他的证词提供了受害者家庭情况以及警方调查的一些细节。 Ashly在节目结尾再次强调案件的复杂性,并鼓励听众自行判断案件的真相。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the investigation into Nathaniel Jones' murder take a drastic turn?

A concerned mother's call to the police provided crucial information that led to the arrest of five teenagers.

What was the primary motive initially assumed for Nathaniel Jones' murder?

The absence of his wallet and the presence of cash in other pockets pointed to a robbery gone wrong.

How did the assailants likely disable the motion sensor light above Nathaniel Jones' car?

They unscrewed the light bulbs just enough to stay in the sockets but not turn on, possibly using the car hood to reach the light.

What significant detail did a witness provide about the assailants?

A witness saw a group of people near Nathaniel Jones' car just before the attack, which provided critical information about the number of assailants.

How did Nathaniel Jones' community react to his murder?

His community was devastated, with loved ones and neighbors gathering, and the local church offering support.

What role did Nathaniel Jones play in his community?

He was a respected business owner, the first Black man to own a service station in Winston-Salem, and a mentor to people of color.

How did the physical evidence at the crime scene support the robbery motive?

There were faint partial shoe prints on the car hood, and the motion sensor light had been tampered with, suggesting a planned robbery.

What was the significance of the grocery items found in Nathaniel Jones' kitchen?

The groceries matched items his nephew had bought, indicating Jones was likely ambushed shortly after returning home and setting the groceries inside.

The episode introduces the brutal murder of Nathaniel Jones, a beloved community figure in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and the subsequent investigation that left many questions unanswered.
  • Nathaniel Jones was found beaten to death and bound with tape inside his home’s carport.
  • The case has been unsolved for over two decades, with the primary question being who carried out the assault.
  • Jones was a respected figure in the community, known for owning the first black-operated service station in the city.

Shownotes Transcript


High crime junkie is ashly, and you guys know I am always on the look out for cases that need their season of justice. And a case recently came across my desk that had me questioning everything. Although IT was technically solved, whether or not justice was fully served is still a big question.

And thankfully, investigative journalist, your favorite mine deal, a diameter, is diving into all those details of this case. Four season seven of counter clock. The case centers around a shocking murder that rocked a close set community.

And while police launched an investigation immediately after days, they still had no solid leads, but then things took a drastic turn when a concerned mother called the police to learn more about the case, and this call alone completely changed the direction of the investigation. Soon after, five teenagers were arrested for the murder. But what unfolded has me truly questioning the very fabric of our justice system.

There are layers upon layers to this case. And IT is one that holds so many players, stories and perspectives. And I promise you, you will want to hear all of IT so that you can decide what you believe. I'm going to give you the first episode of counter clock season seven right here right now. And then you can head over to the counter clock feed to catch the other three episodes that just dropped and be sure to follow counter clock whatever you get your podcast, so you don't miss a single episode of this season. This is the story of anthonio Jones.

For some people, there have been distinct moments in our lives where we felt death upon us. IT was visceral, overwhelming, terrifying. The sensation may have wished by us in a fleeting second, or maybe IT dragged on for minutes, hovering my humidity on a late summer day.

No single experience is the same. Becoming a victim of a violent crime sometimes leaves physical scars, but almost always the experience leaves mental scars. To surviving a life or death situation can change the fabric of who you are IT can alter your entire perception of the world.

I've been a journalist .

for over a decade now, covering just about every type of violent crime you can think of. I've interviewed hundreds of people in britain about countless murder. But IT wasn't until thanksgiving day in twenty nine that violent crime reached out and wrapped its tendrils around me.

November twenty eight twenty nine was a Sunny, clear morning in southwest florida, where I worked as a broadcast news reporter at the time. And since I was a holiday, staffing was limited. So i've volunteered to act as both reporters and my own camera Operator.

It's a position commonly referred to in the T, V news industry as a multimedia journalist or M. M. J.

I had my story lined up in advance, a Lucy little piece about how I beloved a long time ice cream shop was under threat of being demolished to make way for a bigger shopping closure. Trouble ahead for the twisty trade. That was the headline news story I pitched.

And my managers had gone for IT, which was a win for me because I was looking forward to wrapping up early that day and going to spend time with my family. You see, I was a twenty seven year old, newly wed of about four months, and I was me in my husband's first holiday together. Around mid morning, I drove out to the shop set at my camera gear and was right in middle of getting video clipsed of the building's unique ice cream on shaped stereo, with its faded menu in the windows and sticky benches sitting out front, when suddenly I .

was ambush with me, with me.

A man wearing lay tex gloves on his hands had come out of nowhere and grabbed me. He wrapped his arms tightly around my shoulders and freezed, trapping my camera, which was still recording between my body and hers. When I fought back, he threw me to the ground and launched at me again.

I scrambled like a wild animal to put as much distance between us as possible, somehow still holding on to the camera, which, despite being damaged, continuing to record, oh my god, there are calling the police. The man paused, stared for a brief moment, then quickly turned around and jog toward a parked car about fifty yards behind the ice cream shop. IT was broad daylight.

Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

I was in shock. I never experienced anything like this before in my life. Looking back on IT now, I was almost like a part of me had left my body and was hovering above that dumpy shopping plaza parking line, just watching what was happening to me.

To this day, I still have trouble revisiting this memory. All I remember thinking is, this is bad. This man is going to kill me.

A flurry of panic questions just raised in my mind. Why was he wearing gloves? Was he coming back with a weapon? Why was this happening? I remember quickly checking my body for wounds.

Addy stabbed me was a bleeding. Thankfully, the answer to both those questions was no. But I knew I wasn't gonna stay put for a long for all. I knew he could be coming back around two. So I lifted to a nearby intersection where two major roads came together.

IT was a high traffic area, and my survival instincts told me to get around as many people as possible for protection with each debt toward what I felt was the closest thing to safety. I felt confused. A julin was coursing through me.

Yet at the same time I had absolute mental clarity. I knew what I needed to do next. I fished my cell phone out of my back pocket and dial nine one one, then duck behind a few bushes and spited the man who attacked me getting into his car.

I just been attacked. If I am at the corner of us, forty one, in pine island road, i've been attacked by a men. And I met the twisted treat restaurant.

I am rolling on my camera of the man that approached me. I need help, please, old us forty one in pine island road at the corner shopping plaza, north fourth mares plaza. My next car was to my husband and then my boss.

Within minutes, police arrived and were able to arrest the man. The top new story that night, that thanksgiving ving dinner, wasn't about the twisty tweets troubles IT was about mine. The whole .

thing was come on camera aralia the embro was knocked to the ground. He was able to get away in call nine one one.

SHE drags the camera and herself trying to get away as the suspect, wearing gloves, storms off to his court. IT just gives me chills listening to her screaming. I mean, that something I I worry .

about all the time, time, time.

I'm telling you that story because recently I was thinking a lot about what violent crime does to people. Have each person who experiences IT, as well as those closest to them reconcile with the aftermath? How does one even begin to tell a story about IT where i've landed? Is that I in the victim? In this story, Nathaniel al Frederick Jones, or mr.

Jones as hell, most often be referred to, share a common experience. Violent crime came for both of us, and IT did what only IT can do, changed everything. What happened to me is certainly different than what happened to him.

The crimes weren't different cities, decades of par in my situation. I walked away with my life. Tragically, he didn't.

He was sixty one years old when he was attacked inside the car port of his home in winston salem, north CarOlina, in november two thousand. two. Everyone who's ever studied his case agrees that what happened to him was terrible, violent and uncalled for.

He never saw that coming, and because of his age and health, he never stood a chance. The stress of being ambushed, beaten and bound took a fatal toll on his already bad heart, and he ultimately died of cardiac arrest. But the question at the center of this case for more than two decades hasn't been what happened to mr.

Jones. It's who who Carried out the assault that took his life for some folks, including mr. Jone's loved ones. That question was unequipped answered in the early two thousands for us there. IT wasn't and still hasn't there.

And that's because there are some very troubling and concerning facts in this case that i've spent the last year we investigating. So let's turn back the clock twenty two years to november fifteen, two thousand two. This is counter clock season seven. Episode one jumped on your host. Do you down?

Winston salem, north CarOlina. And now compared to what IT was like in two thousand, two isn't all that different. It's grown in population over the past two decades, but its demographic makeup remains as silos as ever.

If you look at the most recent census data from twenty twenty three, you'll find that it's fifty one percent White families, thirty three percent black or african american, and sixteen percent hispanic or latina. Like most american cities, you have your nice parts of town, and you're not so nice parts of town. The south side of winston salem is known as the rough part of town.

It's where you'll find more lower income communities, all their smaller houses. Crime bumpy your streets, you get the picture. The northern and eastern western saleem neighborhood ds are much more affluent. And sitting smacked ab in the middle is the crown duel of the city, wake forest university. The private college is home to roughly fifty four hundred undergraduate students and sprawls across three hundred forty acres of protestingly manicured land.

The demo and deepens domain was and still is considered to some degree to be a posh paradise compared to other parts of the city where many residents live paycheck to paycheck, working minimum wage jobs or Operating mom and pop business. The industry that for the longest time had a strangle hold on the vast majority of the city's workforce was big tobacco R J. Randalls tobacco company, which was known for producing camel cigarettes, had huge manufacturing plants there in the hundred and twenty centuries.

In fact, winston salem nickname is the camel city. At one point, the cigarette giant employed five, six of the citys entire african american population, a man who decided to break that mold and become his own bus was Nathanial Jones. In two thousand and two, he owned an Operated Jones chevron.

And although service station that SAT at the corner of new Walker town road and cover school road two major third affairs in the city, his shop was a pillar in the community, particularly for black families. mr. Jones wasn't just an owner of a thriving business.

He was reportedly the first black man to own and Operate his own service station in the city, a feet no one before him had achieved at sixty one years old. He was a wide war with two adult daughters who were married and had families of their own. He was also a dedicated member of a local church.

mr. Jones was well like, and revealed in a black community .

that's chuck by am, a retired when sale police detective who knew mr. Jones well. Chuck told me that he and the small number of black police officers who work for W S, P, D at the time would swing by mister Jones service station on regular basis while they were on duty. They respected the fact that he was a mentor for people of color in the city, plus his shop was just a cool place to hang out.

He was a community grandfather. I guess you could say the store that he ran IT sit right at the intersection of two major roadways, and there was always activity. And and around IT people knew who mEthane Jones was. He was a very beloved number of .

the community. That last voice you heard is Michael hilliard, a former winston salem journal reporter whose familiar with mr. Jones wasn't as personal as trucks, but still both men. New mr. Jones, for a reason outside of his own reputation at the time.

Chris paul was this stand out basket player, the one of the local high schools. He was the grandfather of up incoming athlete, basketball player by the name of crime poll ris.

Paul as an N B. A superstar point guard pris paul, who is one of the most celebrated unknown professional basketball players today. Robin jone's paul, Chris s. Mother, is the eldest of mr. Jones s's two daughters. Back in november two thousand two, Chris was just a seventeen year old kid from western salem who'd worked hard and achieved national attention on the bord. He was a top prospect coming out of high school and had just committed to play college ball at wake forest university.

This detail, among many others, is important to remember while listening to the story, because IT was a factor that was on the minds of in salem police officers from the moment they were called to mr. Jone's home in the outside part of town on the evening of friday, november fifteen, two thousand. two.

I need any congrats craw street 专业 的 O K 这样的 一个 担忧。

At seven forty nine P. M, the following nine, one one call came in a forced county emergency dispatch.

I need quick to cry away. No act.

The audio of the call is a bit chaotic because the technology of the time caused IT to cut in and out. But eventually the woman who asked for help got her message across and by seventy three P. M. Police officers, firefighters and paramedics were in round to the address SHE provided.

OK 跟 我 聊天, 我 妈妈 IT was dark by the time .

emergency responders pulled up to the scene, and right away they found mr. Jones lying on the concrete floor of his carboy. He was faced down between the driver side door of his lincoln town car and a small brick step that LED to a side door of his home. His head was turned to one side, and there was black tape wrapped around his mouth and head like a gag. The same kind of tape had also been used to bind his hands behind his back.

He had a noticeable cut on the back of his head, a few Bruces on his hands and knees, and according to police reports, there were smuggles and drops of blood on the ground around up, on the a jent brawl of his house and on the lincoln front driver side door handle. Naturally, em wanted to check him for signs of life, but in order to get to him and do a proper assessment, they had to move him out of the tight space where he was laying. So they dragged his body out of the car port and onto the section of his driveway, closes to his house.

They cut the tape, binding his hands, turned him face up and checked for a polls. But by that point, IT was clear. He was gone.

They noticed more traces of blood on his service station uniform and undershirt, and that's when they realized they needed to step back and let the first officer who arrived on scene take over. That officer looked over m. mr.

Jones y's. Body and called for back up. His next move was to deal with a group of people congregating at the end of mr. Jones is driveway. A man standing in that group was calvin scriven, a close friend of mr. Jones, who was thirty seven years old in two thousand two and lived at eight twenty four moab story, an address across the road and directly diagonal from mr. Jone's house.

Calvin provided a tape statement to the officers on scene and explained that earlier that evening, around seven forty pm, he left his house and walk down to 11 street to visit with a woman who lived there named tosh a colman。 The pair i'd been seeing one another, and he usually wait for her to get off work so they could hang out dash's house, SAT across the street and down a few lots from mister jone's house in the opposite direction of work. Calvin live, while calvin was waiting on touch, had to come home. A couple in a car approached .

him in a street, and a painter came up to me and asked me, when was the john stated calling, we don't have pain from this guy. And I told me, stay right across the street.

The painter who spoke to calvin was a guide named claude Walker. Claude, in his fiancee Gloria, had made arrangements with mister Jones earlier in the day to drop by and give him an estimate to paint four rooms in his house. The only issue was claude and Gloria had never been to that part of winston salem before they lived in Charlotte over an hour away. So when they got to mariaba street, they needed some .

help with directions. Couple of seconds later, that pain to came back to immediate IT would comment a lab beside the health in between the car. So I ran what they were, the plan, and show not landing between the car with hand tap hand a bit, and he was face down, hold the seat, take cokes and take in his rise.

SHE will like after I got, feel, look, post, but I don't know, not that and I turned to, he said we got, he was face down and I know you like he was still lab. Anyone who is he fed now in later, who half out was IT SHE came back street and we tell her the car. Now I want one SHE called that one.

One I called over and I told them, help me check post. We had a pot fit. I want to pick up. I don't pick a move because they keep on moving, move. So I don't move without back in with the street.

When I heard a batch coming around the corner at first, you said the body, her promiser Jones was lay and face down you and you described his face being, o where exactly was he lying? You lying between the current house, okay, right beside the feel, please. Where did you feel proposed on around is the next three park and on his race and you said you may have failed to post. I feel like I felt to all was that on his .

on that's calvin's memory from being in the moment in two thousand two? I interviewed him earlier this year, though, on his front porch. Nearly twenty two years after the crime, he still lives on mariaba street. By the way, he remembers finding mr. Jones like IT was yesterday.

I was in on approach a guy came with a painter, came with on looking for mr. John's house. He came right back over the land and draw mouth was dog tape in his hands of dog tape.

It's a difficult memory for calvin to revisit because mr. Jones wasn't just a neighbor. He was a friend, a figure everyone looked up to on the block.

I go with his daughters. He to help me with the community in reunion, he heard me with really near you. He help contribute I to the service station now let you know that took a lot of family, family calls and today, so he know he was, we all know.

despite my best efforts, I wasn't able to get cash a cullman to do an interview with me. But based on her statements to police back in two, two thousand and two, her story, a line for the most part with calvins SHE told investigators that as he pulled into her driveway at cord to eight pm, SHE noticed calvin and some other people crowded in. mr.

Jones is car port. So SHE ran over shortly after. That is when he died. Nine one one. The only additional information SHE provided in her statement was that sh'd also tried to find a pool semi Jones while on the phone with nine one one, and SHE admitted to touching the screen door that LED into his house while he was over there. Here's calvin's audio from back then .

that is going in sad and called the police, but the and and when he opened the door, SHE was seen a the key in the door. He just got out in spring. He was not going sad. mr. Jones has has OK is IT correct that the door was not open, if you have to, unlike.

So you've been known in every sense he was born. And the best you remember that the main door to the house was close use SHE opened the door SHE saying the kid in the door he screen because make an house.

This detail about mr. Jones y's keys still being in the door knob is something the first officer on seen also picked up in his report. He wrote, he had noticed that as well as a motion sensor light fixed to the ceiling of the car port right above mr.

Jones, is lincoln that wasn't turning, not a street. Light right out front of the home was also dark. So essentially the entire area was just really dim.

Minutes after police had gotten on, seen IT started raining. But the good news was that mr. Jones is car, and most of the physical evidence inside the car port remained covered.

Police officers later tarp over his body in the driveway to preserve whatever clues that helped while they waited for the medical examiner to show up. Shortly after that, homicide detectives pulled up and dispatched several officers to go look inside. mr.

Jones is home, you know, to make sure no one was in their hiding, which there wasn't. While doing that, though, they observe that the handle of the outside screen door was broken off and a piece of IT was on the ground, which seemed kind of odd to them, but nothing else was out of place. Like inside, for example, there were no signs that a struggle had occurred.

No broken furniture, no rsc shelves. In fact, jewelry, money and electronics were all just sitting out. The open back outside the scene in the car port was far more chaotic. Three pieces of male addressed to mr.

Jones were scattered underneath the left rear passenger wheel of his lincoln and a broken watch was sitting slightly beneath the front left part of the car not far from a tube of chapstick on the ground near where he'd been found naturally with calvin n. Tatia statements already captured, the growing number of police officers coming to the call turn their attention to the two people who'd first discovered mr. Jones caught Walker and his 果然。

Listening to the tape interview police did with claud at the crime scene back in two thousand two, he seemed genuinely shaken up by what he just experienced.

My first time, I went to the long house and they say that down to, what about the White? Okay, so how well we are. And my wife, he came over with the car.

And then that's when our reminders, bill, on other side, I went to the society. nobody. So look around on do and I somebody was lying down on, I know, sure, your body and next call street. The first I went to.

To clarify what claude just explained when you're looking at mr. Jones is home straight on from the street, there was a small porch and front door on the far left hand side of the house, which was usually kept lock, did not used for coming and going. On the far right hand side of the home was where the driveway and car port were located.

I've included a picture of this in the blog post for this episode, so you can get a Better sense of what i'm talking about. The door to the house in the car port was what mr. Jones usually used to get in and out of his home because claude Walker had never been to the address before.

He tried the left side door first, which for all intensive purposes looked like an actual front door, but he's got no answer there. So that's why he decided to walk over to the car port, which is where he discovered mr. Jones.

You like you land on this demo. You like you land on this demo. 我 就买 了, 拜拜。 I know some black is all I. Know, did you touch earlier .

in the day around three thirty P. M. Claude D, D, spoken with mr.

Jones over the phone and arranged to come by at six thirty P. M. Gloria, his Fiona was going to join him.

you. Want in four what? During that conversation.

mr. Jones was working at his service station and promised laud that he close up his shop in time to meet the couple at his house so they could discuss .

the specifics of the painting job when he was A. do. You know the name of the. You may contact with him, and he says to tell him, when you get the west and did you discuss any Price and how much six million dollars you will give me three hundred dollars doll for pet in the hell. IT is thought right when I feel like a team with the job.

And he told you he was going to pay you cash. Oh, no.

Shortly after six P. M, about a half hour before the scheduled meeting, cloud, Gloria arrived in winston salem. mr.

Jones had told them to just call him when they got into town, and he'd direct them to his house. So they used a payphone at station to dale's home and cell numbers. But mr. Jones never picked up. They kept at this for more than an hour.

We call about thirty times, three times, and he call.

The daughter he's referring to is mr. Jones, his Youngest daughter around the Richards and harston SHE lived in charlie and her husband at the time had referred laud to mr. Jones for the painting job because claude had done work at their home in the past.

Want to give my wife, my future wife, direction to this here. okay. And we got here with team is ea. After speaking with claude, police .

interviewed a guy named brian lenny. He lived at nine o one maraba street, which is the residents directly next to mr. Jones is on the left if you're looking at his home from the street. Brian claimed to have been hanging out around cash a coleman's house with calvin scriven when .

claud Gloria first came by asking for directions and and I wrote a sweetens came to my friend but SHE was not home there, did in the house and talk to her board Green, and we walked out on the porch, and we work out on the porch. About two many play. Ter, a car came down the street and pulled in the drawer.

And teen and ets with IT, then you, jes stay. And we found this statecraft, the street. And now, but they say that they had to go top. They had to do some work for about ten years later, ran back, all cross the street and say, they saying, the main land on the fed of the car defining, which will be rank of the street man on, I can see, but even, you know, he had a go and somebody make sure say, people are right chicken and and carving chicken the and at the time, Kevin said he could say.

according to brian, he'd been loading around his house in several neighbors places all evening, and he hadn't seen anything out of the ordinary and .

you did not a thing. And just before people pulled up in everything.

brian statement to police was brief and to the point, less than three minutes in total. But it's not like anything he said contradicted calvin, Gloria tasia or closed version of events. The authorities big take away from talking with the witnesses at the crime scene was that they were beginning to triangulate a narrow time line of mr.

Jone's movements leading up to his death and IT all came down to who was with him and when the last time anyone had spoken to him. According to police reports, rda, his Youngest daughter, had talked with her dad on his cell phone at around five, forty five pm. At that time, mr.

Jones was alive and well, and on his way home from the service station, he told ronda he was going to drop off one of his nephews, parents Jones, who worked for him, and then go home to meet the painter. When detectives spoke with parents at his place across town, he told police that he, mr. Jones, had closed up the shaft on station at five thirty pm.

After that they had gotten into the link together, ran arens at a tobacco shop and local grocery store, and by six seventeen pm they were in the parking lot of current, his apartment complex. Terrence said he specifically remembered the time because he looked at the clock when he walked into his front door. Now i've done the math, and it's an eight minute drive from where terrence live to where mr.

Jones live at nine o five movies street, which meant mr. Jones should have gotten homes sometime around six, five P M, or thirty P M. At the latest.

That is, if he didn't make any other stops, which everyone agrees he likely didn't because there's no record of that in the case file or witness statements based on what claude and Gloria told investigators, all of their phone calls to mr. Jones went unanswered after they gone into town at sixteen p. The phone records in the case file for his house phone indicate he was not picking up at all after that same time.

And there are also a bunch of miss calls on his cell phone during that time frame. So all of that would indicate that mr. Jones was most likely attacked some time after six fifteen pm, or else he should have been answering his phones.

So just to recap, the last time mr. Jones was seen alive, was at or around six seventeen pm. He wasn't discovered in his car port until seven forty years after speaking with the witnesses.

They are on scene who'd found mister Jones. Police found the head and kept gathering as much information as possible around nine thirty P. M, two hours into the investigation, a little detective was assigned the case.

That guy's name was mark griffe. He walked through the crime scene and sort of took inventory of what first responding officers had learned so far. Around the same time, mister Jones, his family, had started to gather nearby. This group included his daughters, grandchildren, sun in laws, church, friends, neighbors, new name, and Chris polite, who lived directly behind mister Jones, and with friends with his relatives, remembers the subscale well.

The family was in the church park, kite and the minister they passed, and my passed was there trying to connect confident a family. At the time we was up there, his phone was working, I guess, people to the, and he still had this phone in his post. You can hear phone ring and you can hear, you know, no, but you know, I guess people know that he's denounce his phone, but that phone continue.

Charles paul, mister Jones, is sun in law who was married to Robin, explained detectives how fast word had spread from ronda to Robin and eventually to him that something .

bad had happened on A V street was nobody at home. So he wants to come to see if everything is okay. I was on my way, and I had both, among two way, talking on my way, get over. And then by the time I get paramedic, since i've had him on the ground, and then to him, they would let me see .

it's during this interview with Charles that detectives mind information about mr. Jones, for example, they wanted to know if he had any enemies. Could he have been specifically targeted? And that's when they learned something important.

Unless IT was for man or robbery, he said, somebody Carry some money on how much more even here. briefcase.

Have the same thing was word about film about a.

sure enough, when the winston salem police department crime scene technician process, mister Jones lincoln, shortly after detectives interview Charles, the tech found a Brown leather brief case in the trunk that contained gold and silver coins, two bank bags and a total of one thousand four hundred sixteen dollars in cash. When the medical examiner arrived at eleven P. M.

And looked over mr. Jones y's body, he discovered an additional eight hundred and seventy two dollars in cash tuck into the sixty one year old's front pants pocket and right breast shirt pocket. The only thing missing was his wallet.

For police. The absence of that item pointed to a possible motive of a robbery gone wrong, and they assume that whoever had attack mr. Jones either didn't know about the cash in his front pockets and car trunk, or they just hadn't thought to look before leading the scene.

Back at W. S. P. D. Headquarters, checked buyer, learned about the crime and took a phone call from one of his colleagues named the paul. John was off duty and didn't work in the criminal investigations unit, but he was related to Charles paul.

He asked me, chucks, you know, the family is really torn up about this, and I knew that you work an evening shift. So if there is anything that that you can do to accelerate or try to get a beat on who did this to mr. Joes know the family were greatly appreciated.

The robbery scenario was the police department's most promising theory. It's steer the investigation from that point forward. And for good reason, there were additional clues inside the car port and on the link and town car itself that confirmed robbery was likely the suspect or suspects motive.

Police reports to explain that there were two faint partial shoe prints found on the hood of the car, and because the vehicle had been pulled in head first and not baked in, the shoe impressions hadn't been rained on, and we're still visible to the naked eye. They were on an area of the hood that SAT directly beneath the car ports. Overhead motion sensor lie.

When the crime sy tech took a closer look at the light bulbs of that light, he determined they had been unscrewed just enough to stay in the sockets, but not actually turn on when triggered by the motion sensor. This prompted the lead detective to writing his report that he appeared someone had used the hood to boost themselves up to reach the light and disable IT, most likely so that they could commit the crime without being seen. But my question was, how did the suspect or suspects do that without mr.

Jones seeing them? It's pretty risky jumping up on the hood of a car, not to mention physically involved. Well, the answer to that question was in the details of the crime scene specifically.

Right inside mr. Jones is kitchen. The police department's evidence tech had collected some grocery items from mister Jones is home that were found sitting on his kitchen table. Those items matched what terrence Jones, his nepal, told detectives he bought for his uncle on their trip home from work friday evening. So the fact that the groceries had made IT inside the house caused detectives to assume that mr.

Jones had most likely been ambushed shortly after getting out of his car and setting his groceries in his kitchen, then stepping back outside to either retrieve more stuff from his car or while getting his mail from his mailbox, which was mounted to the front right side of the car port. The bigger questions were, how many assailants were there? One, two, three? Were they there all along, just hiding, waiting for the right moment to strike? Investigators didn't know, but they were about to speak with a witness who happened to be driving by the crime scene at the precise time mr. Jones was jumped. And what he saw is perhaps the most critical piece of information in this entire story .

in that area IT was all SHE .

goes by and SHE knows that not mr. Jones in the car. It's all coming up in the next episode of counter oclock episode to daring listen right now.